Titles in The Mead-Westvaco American Classics Series
(aka: The Westvaco Christmas Classics)
Arranged by date of publication.

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  • The Celebrated Jumping Frog of CalaverasThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of CalaverasRoll over Image to expandThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County And Other Sketches by Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens], n.p.: Westvaco, West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, 1959. Limited Edition. Fine in 1/4 dark green leather and decorated yellow paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine and illustrated end sheets. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4" by 5 3/4" with tiny nicks to the color of of the leather at the corners of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued; but, contained within its very good+, slightly soiled paper covered slip case. This was the WESTVACO Christmas release of 1959 which was the second volume in their annual American Classic series which was published each year until 2007. A collection of thirteen "essays" by an admirable author with an opinion. 119 pages of text illustrated with a steel engraving frontispiece of Twain with small engravings within the text throughout. This volume was published in a limited quantity and is now exceptionally uncommon.
    TB33485  $175.00

  • The Prairie Traveler A Handbook ForThe Prairie Traveler A Handbook ForRoll over Image to expandThe Prairie Traveler A Handbook For Overland Expeditions by Marcy, Randolph B., n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1961. Limited Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/4 decorated black leather and printed paper covered boards with bold gilt text on the spine with embossed decorations, map end sheets and with the top edge of the text block stained light yellow. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained within a fine, paper covered slip case. 220 pages of text illustrated with line drawings. Originally published by Harper & Bros. in 1859 "as a manual and guide for the tenderfoot undertaking overland treks through the untamed West." (from the book's foreword) The Christmas 1961 issue by Westvaco which is the forth volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 260 pages of text illustrated with with two color frontispieces.
    TB26004  $125.00

  • The Autocrat of the Breakfast TableThe Autocrat of the Breakfast TableRoll over Image to expandThe Autocrat of the Breakfast Table by Holmes, Oliver Wendell, n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1965. Limited Edition. Near fine in 1/4 green cloth and printed paper covered boards with illustrated paper end sheets with light staining to the front and rear boards. Without a dust jacket as issued; and, missing its paper covered slip case. The Christmas 1965 issue by Westvaco which is the 8th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 325 pages of text illustrated with line drawings and decorations.
    TB23456  $40.00

  • Fables in SlangFables in SlangRoll over Image to expandFables in Slang by Ade, George, n.p.: Westvaco, 1972. Limited Edition. Fine in bright red paper covered boards with gray text stamping on the spine and with decorated end sheets and blind embossing to the front board. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4" by 5 3/4". Without a dust jacket as issued and without its issued paper covered slip case. 171 pages of text and illustrated with decorations. The fifteenth volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series.
    TB28224  $30.00

  • A Brief Description of New YorkA Brief Description of New YorkRoll over Image to expandA Brief Description of New York Formerly Called New-Netherland by Denton, Daniel, No city stated: Westvaco, 1973. Limited Edition. Fine in embossed black cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine, a blind embossed 1670 on the front board and decorated end sheets. With a prior owner's name and date written on the second free end page. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained within a near fine, decorated paper covered slip case. Originally published in 1670 in England based on the author's narrative of his settlement in Jamaica, Queens in 1644. The 16th volume in Westvaco's American Classic series.
    TB23468  $40.00

  • Letters from an American FarmerLetters from an American FarmerRoll over Image to expandLetters from an American Farmer by de Crevecoeur, J. Hector, n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1976. LimitedEdition. Fine in green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine, illustrated end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained with-in a near fine illustrated paper covered slip case with a dime sized spot on one panel. Attached to the front paste down is a presentation card signed by an officer of Westvaco with a prior owner's name written out on the slip. Originally published in 1782 in England and republished 11 years later in Philadelphia. The Christmas 1976 issue by Westvaco which is the 19th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 272 pages of text.
    TB23681  $35.00

  • EssaysEssaysRoll over Image to expandEssays by Emerson, Ralph Waldo, n. p. (no city stated): Westvaco, 1978. Limited Edition. Fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine with an embossed capital letter "E" on the front board and printed end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued and lacking the illustrated paper covered slipcase. 210 pages of text with illustrations at the chapter headings. A collection of nine essays. The WESTVACO Christmas release of 1978 which is the 21st volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series.
    TB32220  $25.00

  • Voices from an Earlier AmericaVoices from an Earlier AmericaRoll over Image to expandVoices from an Earlier America by Various Authors, No city stated: Westvaco, 1980. Limited Edition. Fine in decorated light orange cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and with illustrated end sheets. Without a dust jacket; however, the book is contained within a fine illustrated paper covered slip case. An anthology of American Poetry from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries. The Christmas 1980 issue by Westvaco. The 23rd volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 308 pages of text illustrated with contemporary steel engravings throughout.
    TB28356  $40.00

  • A Young Patriot in the AmericanA Young Patriot in the AmericanRoll over Image to expandA Young Patriot in the American Revolution 1775-1783 The Wartime Services of John Greenwood by Greenwood, John, No city stated: Westvaco, 1981. Limited Edition. Fine in decorated dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and illustrated end sheets. Without a dust jacket; however, the book is contained within a fine illustrated paper covered slip case. Greenwood wrote the manuscript for this work in 1809 from his many memories of serving during the American Revolution. Only 100 copies of this journal were printed in 1922 for distribution to family members. The Christmas 1981 issue by Westvaco. The 24th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 200 pages of text which is illustrated throughout.
    TB28261  $40.00

  • America: An Affirmation of FaithAmerica: An Affirmation of FaithRoll over Image to expandAmerica: An Affirmation of Faith by Various Authors, n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1984. Limited Edition. Fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and with blind embossed military medals on the front board with a blue silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained within a fine paper covered slip case. Laid-in is a presentation slip signed by two officers of Westvaco. 286 pages of text and illustrated by four color plates by Norman Rockwell. The Christmas 1984 issue by Westvaco which is the 27th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series.
    TB23091  $30.00

  • ChaptersChaptersRoll over Image to expandChapters by Cooper, James Fenimore, n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1986. Limited Edition. Fine in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine with illustrated end sheets and a light green placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained within a fine illustrated, paper covered slip case. A collection of 21 short stories by James Fennimore Cooper. The Christmas 1986 issue by Westvaco which is the 29th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 260 pages of text illustrated with with two color frontispieces.
    TB22691  $40.00

  • Innovation & AchievementInnovation & AchievementRoll over Image to expandInnovation & Achievement by Various Authors, n.p.: Westvaco, 1987. Limited Edition. Fine in 1/4 dark blue leather and tan paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and gilt text on the front board with decorated end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is within a fine paper covered slip case. 271 pages followed by three un-numbered pages. The thirtieth volume in the Westvaco Christmas series. A collection of essays about thirteen American innovators to include: Eli Whitney, Robert Fulton, Cyrus McCormick, Samuel F. B. Morse; Elias Howe, Jr., Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas A. Edison, The Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, James D. Watson and Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.
    TB28265  $30.00

  • Listen! The WindListen! The WindRoll over Image to expandListen! The Wind by Lindberg, Anne Morrow, n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1990. Limited Edition. Fine in medium blue paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine, elaborately illustrated end sheets and a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued and lacking its paper covered slip case. With a preface and map drawings by Charles A. Lindberg. The Christmas 1990 issue by Westvaco which is the 33rd volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 275 pages of text illustrated with black and white photographs.
    TB28437  $25.00

  • Two Years Before The Mast by Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1992. Limited Edition. Fine in 1/4 cloth and decorated paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine, a gilt decoration on the front board, illustrated sheets, and a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine with three, minor and faint red marks on the front board. Without a dust jacket as issued; and, without its llustrated paper covered slip case. The Christmas 1992 issue by Westvaco which is the 35th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. 370 pages of text illustrated with a frontispiece and small sketches of wild life within the margins and chapter headings of the text.
    TB24898  $30.00

  • Complete Manual for Young SportsmenComplete Manual for Young SportsmenRoll over Image to expandComplete Manual for Young Sportsmen by Forester, Frank, n.p.: Westvaco, 1993. Limited Edition. Fine in full gray-green buckram cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and with decorated end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is within a near fine paper covered slip case. 277 pages of text followed by a listing of the Westvaco's American Classics Series. With a forward by H. Lea Lawrence. Illustrated with steel engravings by Frank Forester and John Bumstead throughout. The 36th volume in Westvaco's American Classics series.
    TB28354  $30.00

  • You Know Me Al A Busher's Letters by Lardner, Ring, n. p. (no city stated): Westvaco, 1994. Limited Edition. Fine in burnt orange cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine with a green silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine and a blind embossed image of a baseball on the front board. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4" by 5 3/4" with printed end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued; however in a fine paper covered slip case. 286 pages of text. The WESTVACO Christmas release of 1994 which is the 37th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series. A beautiful copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB28213  $35.00

  • A Treasury of American Humor by Various Authors, n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 1996. LimitedEdition. Fine in light gray cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine, illustrated end sheets and a maroon, silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained with-in a near fine illustrated paper covered slip case with a minor dent at the upper edge of the opening. A collection of short stories, prose and poetry by ten famous American humorists. The Christmas 1996 issue by Westvaco which is the 39th volume in their series of American Classics. 261 numbered pages of text.
    TB24213  $35.00

  • Democracy In AmericaDemocracy In AmericaRoll over Image to expandDemocracy In America by de Tocqueville, Alexis, n. p. (no city stated): Westvaco, 1999. Limited Edition. Near fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and a stamped gilt Fleur-de-les on the front and rear boards and with a red silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. The rear board has two rents to the cloth of about 1/3" each. Without a dust jacket as issued; however in a fine paper covered slip case with bumps to the enclosed corners. Laid-in is a special presentation card from several Westvaco employees to the prior owner. 297 pages of text. The Westvaco Christmas release of 1999 which is the 42nd volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series.
    TB24214  $35.00

  • OPioneersOPioneersRoll over Image to expandO'Pioneers! by Cather, Willa, n.p.: Westvaco, 2000. Limited Edition. Fine in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and with illustrated end papers and a dark blue placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Without a dust jacket; but, contained in a fine illustrated paper covered slip case. Both the book and its slip case are within the publisher's original shipping carton. The 2000 edition of the Westvaco American Classic Series making it the 43rd volume in their series. Originally published in 1913. 262 pages of text.
    TB25665  $40.00

  • Letters of John and Abigail AdamsLetters of John and Abigail AdamsRoll over Image to expandLetters of John and Abigail Adams 1762 to 1826 by Adams, John, and Abigail Adams, n.p.: Westvaco, 2001. Limited Edition. Fine in 1/4 dark red cloth and printed paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and with decorated end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is within a fine paper covered slip case. The book and its slip case are still contained within the publisher's original shipping carton. 133 pages of text followed by a listing of the Westvaco's American Classics Series. With a forward and introduction by Willaim J. Bennett. Illustrated with eleven colored plates as "a brief pictorial history of the design of our flag from 1775 to the present". The 44th volume in the Westvaco Christmas series.
    TB25339  $40.00

  • A Silk Road Journey The GoodA Silk Road Journey The GoodRoll over Image to expandA Silk Road Journey The Good Earth by Buck, Pearl S., n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 2005. Limited Edition. Fine in in bright red cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and decorated end sheets. It contains two CD's of music from India by Rasa Music. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained within a fine highly decorated, bright red, cloth covered clamshell case secured with brass hinges. Contained within this case is a CD titled: A Silk Road journey Instrumentals and Vocals. bright red, cloth covered clamshell case secured with brass hinges. Contained within this case is a CD titled: A Silk Road journey Instrumentals and Vocals. 346 pages of text with illustrations in the margins. The Christmas 2005 issue by Westvaco which is the 48th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series.
    TB24923  $125.00

  • A Silk Road Journey II AA Silk Road Journey II ARoll over Image to expandA Silk Road Journey II A Passage To India with Intriguing India by Forster, E. M., n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 2006. Limited Edition. A two volume set both of which are in fine condition. The principal volume, by Forster, in in bright red cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and decorated end sheets. The second volume is in green paper covered boards with black text on the spine and gilt and black text on the front board. It contains two CD's of music from India by Rasa Music. with illustrated end sheets and a light green placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Both are without dust jackets as issued; however, the set is contained within a fine highly gilt decorated, yellow cloth covered clamshell slipcase. The principal volume contains Forster's A Passage To India with 310 pages. The secondary volume contains two CDs. The Christmas 2006 issue by Westvaco which is the 49th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series.
    TB26436  $125.00

  • 50 Authors : 50 Classics A MeadWestvaco50 Authors : 50 Classics A MeadWestvacoRoll over Image to expand50 Authors : 50 Classics A MeadWestvaco Anthology by Various Authors, n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 2007. Limited Edition. A two book set both volumes of which are in fine condition within a near fine paper covered clamshell box with minor bumping to the corners of the box. The primary volume in this set is in bright red cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and blind embossing on the front and rear boards. The end sheets are illustrated paper. The second volume is printed heavy red paper wraps over an adhesive binding. Both are octavos measuring 9" by 5 1/2". The Christmas 2007 issue by MeadWestvaco which is the 50th and last volume in Westvaco's` annual American Classic series. 478 pages of text in the primary volume which contains short sections from the 49 previous limited edition volumes. The smaller, secondary volume contains (40) pages which is a compilation of color photographs of each of the 50 volumes and a summary of the bibliographic features of each volume in the series.
    TB26053  $125.00

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