Books in stock on Travel
Arranged alphabetically by author.

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    A-No. 1 [Livingston, Leon Ray (1872–1944)]:  From Coast To Coast With Jack London.  Erie, Penn.: The Ano1 Publishing Company, n.d. c1917. Fourth Edition. Very good in heavy, printed paper wraps over an adhesive binding. A small octavo measuring 7 5/8" by 5 1/8" with light wear to the spine ends and with a very faint dampness stain the lower inside corners of the first 33 pages and to the front panel. Without a dust jacket as issued. 136 pages of text. The eighth volume in the books about tramp life by the author. The rear panel is printed with a facsimile, handwritten copy of a letter to the author from Jack London. Illustrated throughout with small line drawings within the text. A clean and handsome copy with little wear and no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB28387  $100.00

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    Ackroyd, Peter:  London The Biography.  London: Chatto & Windus, (2000). First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in light gray paper covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/8 by 6 inches with the first nine pages (i-ix) creased on a long diagonal with no other harm. In a fine,unclipped dust jacket. 822 pages including an index and text. Illustrated with images from photographs, maps and reproductions of earlier works of art. "Two thousand years of London's history and folklore...."
    TB32643  $45.00

  • Alsberg, Henry G. (Editor):  The American Guide A Source Book and Complete Travel Guide For The United States.  New York: Hsatings House, 1949. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board and with decorated map end papers. The head and heel of the spine are slightly turned in and the hinge areas at the end papers are beginning to tan due to the high acid content of the glue used in binding. This book undetakes what the WPA's American Guide Series was not able to accomplish, that is to create a tour guide for the entire United States in one volume. 1348 pages with an index.
    TB16459  $24.50

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    Ashe, Thomas:  Travels In America, Performed in 1806, For The Purpose Of Exploring The Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio And Mississippi And Ascertaining The Produce and Condition Of Their Banks And Vicinity.  Newburyport: William Sawyer & Co., 1808. First Edition. Very good+ in full, contemporary tree calf covered boards with a gilt, red leather title block on the spine. A 16mo of 7 by 4 inches with an early prior owner's name at the top edge of the title page with scattered foxing throughout. The leather covers are worn and rubbed at the edges of the boards, but none are worn through. 366 pages including an appendix and text. The original title was published in England in 1808 in three volumes. This is the first American edition. Howes in his bibliography, U.S.Iana, states that this title is: "Interesting in spite of its snarling asperity and numerous lies." Clark in his bibliography of Travels in The Old South, believed that this title was "one of the least acceptable American Travel Accounts" as the author "realized that a book devoted largely to the condemnation of Americans would be profitable." He goes on to say that despite Ashe's "oblique observations" he "was favorably impressed with the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, and his descriptions are generally credible." (Howes, A-352; Clark, II, 134; Sabin, 2180)
    TB29837  $350.00

  • Atherton, Gertrude:  My San Francisco A Wayward Biography.  Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Compan, 1946. First Edition, First printing. Very good in light blue cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and front board. In a very good- dust jacket with 1/8" chips across the ends of the spine area and rubbed at the folds to the flaps. The author's autobiographical view of her favorite city: San Francisco.
    TB06472  $17.50

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    Baedeker, Karl:  Rhine From Rotterdam To Constance.  Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, 1906. Sixteen Revised Edition. Fine in red cloth covered over limp boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board with a prior owner's name and address written on the first free end paper. Due to the protection offered by the dust jacket (described below) the boards still have their original brightness and sheen. In a good dust jacket with a 1/2" deep triangular chip to the lower edge of the spine area and minor chips to the folds to the front flap. The multi-colored, fold-out map of "Rheinprovianz und Nassau" which precedes the title page is in place and is in excellent condition. There are 52 maps and 29 plans which illustrate this volume. Overall, a very handsome and collectable volume in an extremely scarce dust jacket.
    TB19728  $95.00

  • Baedeker, Karl:  Northern France From Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire Excluding Paris and its Environs.  Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, 1909. Fifth Edition. Good in red cloth covered over limp boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board. The cloth at the upper 1" of the front joint is worn through and the cloth is worn and rubbed through at the heel of the spine. 454 pages including an index followed by a fold-out map of northern France. There are a total of 16 maps and 55 plans throughout the text. Tipped-in after the second free end paper is a multi-colored, fold-out map of northern France.
    TB16848  $15.00

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    Baederker, K.:  La Russie.  Leipzig and Paris: Karl Baedeker and Paul Ollendorff, 1902. Third Edition. Very good+ in decorated red cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and gilt text and blind embossed rules on the front board. A 16mo of 6 3/16 by 4 1/16 inches with a 1/4 closed tear to the cloth at the lower edge of the front board and light rubbing and wear around the edges of the spine and boards. Both the front and rear fold-out maps have been repaired with archival tape on the verso sides. The upper edge of the first free end page has an early owner's name, city and date. 476 pages of French text illustrated with 11 fold-out maps, 20 one page maps, 9 two page maps, 5 building plans and one elevation plan.
    TB30272  $200.00

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    Baird, , Robert, Tanner, Henry Schenck and Richard and Robert Bache:  View Of The Valley Of The Mississippi, Or The Emigrant's And Traveller's Guide To The West.  Philadelphia: H. S. Tanner, 1834. Second Edition. An exlibrary copy in fair condition in its original, but loose light brown, paper covered boards with a loose spine back with a printed, paper label. The book and its loose parts are protected and contained within a library chemise with a hand printed title on its spine. A 12mo measuring 7 3/16 by 4 3/16 inches with library book plates on the fixed end pages of the boards, library stamps on the non-printed side of the map frontispiece and on the title page and with the Henry S. Tanner's name written out in pencil on the title page as well as the call number written in ink. The copyright page has the call number written in pencil and the first page of the introductions shows a "discarded" stamp in the lower margin. The contents are clean and bright without any tanning or foxing. 372 pages including an index and text. Illustrated with a fold-out, color map frontispiece of what is now the Eastern United States and additional maps following pages 106, 112, 128, 138, 148, fold-out maps following page 178 and 188, a single page page map following page 196, and fold-out maps following pages 214, 244, 262, 276, 290 and 348 fir a total of 15 maps. (Hows, B-45; Graff 141; Sabin, 2594)
    TB31971  $350.00

  • Barick, Bill:  Big Dreams.  New York: Pantheon Books, 1994. First Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/4 green cloth and paper covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine and on the front board. In a fine dust jacket. A journey through California from the north end to the boarder with Mexico. The author's fourth book.
    TB05666  $24.50

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    Bird, Isabella:  The Englishwoman In America.  Chicago, Ill.: The Lakeside Press, 2012. First Edition. Fine in blue-green cloth covered boards with gilt text stamped on the spine, gilt borders on the front and rear boards and a gilt company logo on the front board with green printed end sheets. A 16mo measuring 6 3/4" by 4 1/4" with upper and lower headbands and with the top edge of the text block gilt. The book remains protected in the publisher's original shrink wrap. 370 pages including an index followed by a page of image credits. Illustrated with a two page color map and 42 color plates including the frontispiece. An abridged version of the original 1856 British edition, edited by Thomas Philbrick, of a memoir by Bird of her travels through the United States beginning in 1854. This title is the 110th volume in the longest running collection of series Americana.
    TB32513  $25.00

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    Bowles, Samuel:  Across the Continent: A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormans, and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax.  Springfield, Mass. and New York: Samuel Bowles & Company and Hurd & Houghton., 1865. First Edition. Very good in its original brown cloth covered boards with gilt text and decoration on the spine. A small octavo of 7 1/2 by 4 3/4 inches with professional repairs made to significantly improve the appearance of the heavy wear to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and with the cloth worn through over the tips of the boards. There is an early prior owner's name and date of "Feby 15, 1866" in ink on the title page. The binding is tight with the hinges and joints sound. The contents are in excellent condition with no tanning or foxing to the pages. The hand-colored map prior to the title page is completely intact and suffers only from a small, 1/2 inch, closed tear at its right margin which has been professionally repaired using archival tape on its verso side. 452 pages of text followed by a blank leaf and 6 pages of ads by the publisher. Illustrated with a hand-colored map as aforementioned. Graff notes "Among the states and territories visited by Bowles were Utah, Oregon, Washingto, California and Nevada." (Sabin, 7077; Graff, 370; Cowan, p.67; Rader, 431)
    TB31974  $200.00

  • Bryson, Bill:  A Walk in the Woods.  New York: Broadway Books, 1998. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in decorated paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine with a prior owner's name & date on the first free end page. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. Sub-titled: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail. The author hikes the length of the Appalachian Trail and provides a unique, if not humorous, account of the journey. 276 pages of text.
    TB11517  $20.00

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    Burnaby, Andrew:  Burnaby's Travels Through North America : Reprinted from the Third Edition of 1798.  New York: A. Wessels Company, 1904. Reprint from the Third Edition. Good+ in the publisher's original red cloth covered boards with faded gilt text stamping on the spine. The cloth at the head and heel of the spine is worn and just beginning to fray. The spine itself is slightly faded and the cloth at the tips of the boards is rubbed. Without its issued plain paper dust jacket. One of the volumes in the Source Books of American History with an introduction and notes by Rufus Rockwell Wilson. 265 pages including an index. Originally published in London in 1775 under the title: Travels Through the Middle Settlements in North America in 1759 and 1760. Copies of the original publication are considered "quite scarce" by Wright Howes. (Howes B-995)
    TB20705  $75.00

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    Campbell, Patrick:  A Journey Through The Genesee Country, Finger Lakes Region and Mohawk Valley from Patrick Campbell's Travels in the Interior Inhabited Parts of North America in the Years 1791 and 1792.  Rochester, NY: The University of Rochester Libraries, 1978. First Edition thus. Fine in 1/4 red cloth and tan paper covered boards with gilt text stamped on the spine. An octavo of 8 3/8 by 5 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, this copy is contained within its issued, paper covered slip case with a paper title label on the front board. Unpaginated. Originally published in London in 1799, this is a facsimile copy of the first printing of the book. Illustrated with two plates.
    TB29417  $30.00

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    Carver, Jonathan:  Three Years Travels Through The Interior Parts of North America.  Boston: David West, 1794. Third American Edition. Recently rebound in full black leather with five raised bands on the spine and with a gilt stamped, red leather spine label. A 16mo measuring 6 11/16 by 3 3/4 inches with repaired title page and general tanning of the pages. 282 of text. Printed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire by Charles Peirce for David West the publisher. This title was first issued in London in 1778. It was not published in the United States until 1784 in Philadelphia with a second edition published in that city in 1789 which edition was reprinted in 1792. We therefore infer this to be a third American edition. (Lee's A Bibliography of Carver's Travels) According to Howes: "Carver penetrated farther into the West than any other English explorer before the Revolution." Although an American (by birth) Carver was not able to get the manuscript of his trip (1766-1768) published in this country. He went to London where it was published. (DAB) The popularity of his book lead to many translations, editions and printings in several countries. (Howes, C-215; Evans, 26745; Sabin, 11185; Lee, p165 to 169; DAB, v II, p552)
    TB28799  $450.00

  • Chamberlain, Barbara Blau:  These Fragile Outposts.  Garden City: The Natural History Press, 1964. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in black and light green decorated cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. In a very good- dust jacket with light wear and rubbing at the ends of the spine area and at the extremes. A geological examination of Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. 327 pages including an index, bibliography, glossary, appendices, text and illustrated with photographs and maps.
    TB16544  $24.50

  • Conrad, Barnaby, III:  Ghost Hunting in Montana.  New York: HarperCollins West, 1994. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 gray cloth and dark gray paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. In a fine dust jacket with the original price intact on the front flap. Signed and dated by the author on the title page in the year of publication. "A Search for Roots in the Old West." This young author spent the summer of 1989 traveling through out Montana. An interesting collection of stories and visits with some original, rugged residents of the state. 337 pages of text, bibliography and illustrated with a section of photographs.
    TB17628  $45.00

  • Conrad, Barnaby, III:  Ghost Hunting in Montana.  New York: HarperCollins West, 1994. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 gray cloth and dark gray paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. In a fine dust jacket with the original price intact on the front flap. "A Search for Roots in the Old West." This young author spent the summer of 1989 traveling through out Montana. An interesting collection of stories and visits with some original, rugged residents of the state. 337 pages of text, bibliography and illustrated with a section of photographs.
    TB03440  $25.00

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    Curtis, Benjamin Robbins:  Dottings Round The Circle.  Boston: James R. Osgood And Company, 1876. First Edition. Good in its original light gray cloth covered boards with gilt text and black decorations on the spine and on the front board. An octavo measuring 8" by 5 1/2" with heavy wear and rubbing to the cloth at both ends of the spine, with a 1/2" deep chip to the cloth at the head of the spine. The front and rear hinges are broken and the first free end page has attached itself to the front paste down. 329 pages of text with a fold-out facsimile of a Chinese passport following page 124 and the facsimile of an "official card of the U.S. Consul at Canton" following page 166. Illustrated with a frontispiece photograph of El Capitan at Yosemite Valley and ten plates. A very readable account of the author's round-th-world trip from Boston via train to Salt Lake City (where he meets and speaks with Brigham Young) then on to Yosemite and the Pacific coast to board a ship to Japan, Shanghai, Peking, the Great Wall, Canton, Celon, Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay, Cairo, Florence, Paris, London and then back to Boston.
    TB27868  $125.00

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    Cutter, Donald C.:  Malaspina In California.  San Francisco: John Howell Books, 1960. First Edition. Fine in light yellow linen covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine and with gilt text and decorations on the front board. A small quarto measuring 11" by 8 1/2". Without a dust jacket. One of only 1,000 copies printed. 96 pages including an index, appendices and text. Illustrated with two color plates and two sections of reproductions of earlier works of art. In 1791 Captains Alejandro Malaspina and Jose Bustamante y Guerra lead the Spanish naval exploring expedition, a 62-month around the world scientific endeavor. During this trip they stopped for a two week period in Monterey, California to explore and document what they found. This volume, the first English translation of the original Spanish printing of 1885, details their discoveries and provides necessary detail on California's early Spanish history. (Cowen, p. 412)
    TB26563  $125.00

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    Damrosch, Leo:  Tocqueville's Discovery Of America.  New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, (2010). First Edition, First printing. Fine in dark blue paper covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo measuring 9" by 6" with what appears to be a printer's error on the title page which shows faint splotches of light gray ink in a narrow vertical line down the page resembling mouse tracks. This same error is repeated on the verso of page ix confirming a printer's error. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 277 pages including an index, chapter notes and text. Illustrated with reproductions of contemporary works of art and a map. Alexis De Tocqueville was most famous for his book Democracy in America which resulted from a nine month tour through the young United States during the years 1831 to 1832. The author brings to life Tocqueville's tour through Canada, the eastern parts of what is now Wisconsin and Michigan, the great lakes, the eastern most states and south down the Ohio to the Mississippi to New Orleans and back to New York City by way of stage coach through the south eastern states.
    TB25147  $25.00

  • Earl, John:  John Muir's Longest Walk (John Earl, a photographer, traces his journey to Fla.).  Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1975. Reprint by Doubleday & Co.. Very good in choloclate colored cloth covered boards with a bump at the heel of the spine. In a very good+ dust jacket with a 3/4" closed tear at the upper edge of the front panel. 121 pages of text and photographs.
    TB13762  $17.50

  • Eunson, Dale:  Up on The Rim.  New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1970. First Edition. Fine in brown cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. In a very good dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap but with a 1/8" chip at the lower corner of the front panel and light wear at the ends of the spine area. Warmly inscribed by the author on the first free end paper. The author's memoir of his years between 1910 to 1912 growing up northwest of Billings. 242 pages.
    TB11518  $50.00

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    Flint, Timothy:  Recollections Of The Last Ten Years, Passed In Occasional Residences And Journeyings In The Valley Of The Mississippi From Pittsburg And The Missouri To The Gulf Of Mexioc, and From Florida To the Spanish Frontier.  Boston: Cummings, Hilliar, And Company, 1826. First Edition. Very good in its original paper covered boards with a printed paper label on the spine. A small quarto of 9 5/8 by 5 7/8 inches with rubbing and wear to the paper at the head and heel of the spine and minor small chipping from the paper title label. There is an early prior owner's book plate on the front paste down. Without a dust jacket. 395 pages of text. Timothy Flint (1780-1840) was a missionary and writer who traveled broadly throughout the US during his lifetime. The subject title deals with the author's descriptions of his years living in various locations in Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas and Lousiana, during the years 1815 to 1825 where he comments extensively on geography, topography, culture and conditions. Considered by Howes to be "quite scarce". Smith in his bibliography of Travels in the Old South states: "The Recollections of Timothy Flint form one of the more significant travel accounts of the early nineteenth century in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys." A very clean and handsome copy in its original binding. (Clark, Vol. 2, 26; Streeter, Vol 3, 1540; Howe, F 204; Sabin, 24794; Graff, 1359; Rader, 1420; BAL, 6113)
    TB31025  $1000.00

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    Forsthoefel, Andrew:  Walking To Listen 4,000 Miles Across America, One Story At A Time.  New York: Bloomsbury, (2017). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in yellow paper covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo of 9 1/8 by 6 inches. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with rubbing and light wear to the upper corners of the spine area and at the upper fore corner of the rear panel. Warmly inscribed and signed by the author on the title page. 371 pages of text.
    TB30464  $40.00

  • Fried, Adelaide L.:  The Road to Salem.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1944. First Edition, First printing. Fine in charcoal gray cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine with a prior owner's name on the 1st FEP. In a near fine dust jacket with only light wear at the ends of the spine area and at the corners to the panels with the price intact on the flap. The text of this 317 page book on the early history of North Carolina is based on the 1803 autobiography of a woman who lived through it all.
    TB11020  $21.00

  • Fuermann, George:  Houston The Feast Years.  Houston: Premier Printing Co., 1962. First Edition, First printing. Fine in light yellow cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and front board. In a very good+ dust jacket which is rubbed at the corners and spine ends. With illustrated woodcuts by Lowell Collins. Signed, inscribed and dated in the year of publication by both the author and the illustrator. 51 pages with index, text, photographs and woodcuts. The modern photographs are by Owen Johnson.
    TB06723  $24.50

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    Garner, William Robert:  Letters from California 1846-1847.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in maroon cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. An octavo measuring 9 by 6 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. These letters (originally sent under the identity of only "W. G." were sent to newspapers on the east coast just before the Gold Rush. They describe in great detail the customs, events and landscape of the area around Monterey and San Francisco Bay. Edited, with a sketch of the life and times of the author of these letters. 262 pages including an index, bibliography and text. Illustrated with maps, one section of black and white photographs and reproductions of earlier works of art.
    TB26456  $25.00

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    Gray, Edward G.:  The Making of John Ledyard Empire And Ambition in the life of an Early American Traveler.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. First Edition. Fine in gray paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. A small quarto measuring 9 1/8 by 6 inches. In a near fine unclipped dust jacket with a 1/4" closed tear at the upper edge of the front panel. 224 pages including an index, chapter notes and text. Illustrated with maps and reproductions of contemporary works of art. A Connecticut native, John Ledyard (1751-1789) lead a remarkable life and one filled with friendships with some of the most influential men of his time. He knew and was influenced by Captain James Cook, Robert Morris, John Paul Jones, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and many others. His penchant for travel not just within the United States but across the world gave him a point-of-view few of his era could appreciate. During the American Revolution he served as a British Marine aboard one of Captain Cook's vessels. During that cruise he was introduced to the Pacific Northwest of what is now Washington and Oregon. He recognized the importance of the fur bearing sea-otter and thereafter did all in his power to return to the area. His bad luck prevented him from completing a journey he had contemplated for years: walking through Russia in 1787/1788 to reach the west coast of North America.
    TB29362  $20.00

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    Guba, Emil F.:  Nantucket Odyssey A Journey Into The History Of Nantucket.  Waltham: Self-published, 1965. Second Edition, Revised and Englarged. Near Fine in blue cloth covered boards with bold silver colored text stamping on the spine and on the front board and with map end sheets. In a near fine, unclipped (no price) dust jacket with a 3/4" closed tear at the lower edge of the front panel and rubbing and wear to the upper edge of the spine area which is slightly tanned. Signed by the author on the title page. 438 pages of text illustrated with maps, reproductions of earlier works of art and black and white photographs. One of the better books describing this historic island.
    TB29788  $40.00

  • Gunther, John:  Inside Russia Today.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957, 1958. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in black cloth covered boards with a gilt, red and black text block on the spine & a former owner's name on title page. In a good+ dust jacket with two 2" closed tears on the front panel, 1/3" chip at the upper corner of the spine area & rubbed at the folds. A continuation of the author's famous "Inside ___" series. 550 pages with index and text with map decorated end papers.
    TB10265  $20.00

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    Hall, Captain Basil:  Travels in North America, In The Years 1827 and 1828.  Edinburgh: Cadell and Co. and Simpkine and Marshall, 1829. First Edition. All three volumes of this complete set are in very good+ condition elaborately bound in full brown leather (calf) diced on the boards with a gilt border, three raised bands on the spines with gilt tooling and two black leather title blocks with gilt text. On volumes I and III the black leather title blocks are chipped with only minor losses to the gilt text. The edges of the text blocks are marbled. Each is a 7mo measuring 7 1/4" by 4 1/2" with an early prior owner's book plate attached to the front paste downs of each volume. Each volume also has the remains of silk placement ribbons sewn-in at the heads of the spines. Volume I contains 421 pages and is illustrated with hand colored fold-out map at the front of the book. The map is in excellent condition with only a small 1/3" closed tear at its margin. Volume II contains 432 pages; and, volume III contains 436 pages followed by a fold-out table of financial and census data for the various states then part of the United States of America. Considered "mildly scarce" by Howes. (Howes, H-47; Sabin, 29275; Clark III, 48)
    TB26696  $600.00

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    Halliburton, Richard:  New Worlds to Conquer.  Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, (1929). Early reprint. Very good+ in brown cloth covered boards with gilt text stamped on the spine and on the front board. A small quarto measuring 9 1/8 by 6 inches with map end sheets. The cloth at the very edges of the head and heel of the spine are very slightly rubbed and there is a prior owner's name stamped on the first free end page. Without its issued dust jacket. 368 pages of text illustrated with a photographic frontispiece of the author and with 68 black and white plates. Two chapters in this book are dedicated to the horrible conditions of prisoners on in the prisons of French Guiana and Devil's Island.
    TB28503  $20.00

  • Heat-Moon, William Least:  River-Horse.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1999. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in 1/4 green cloth and decorated paper covered boards with the lower corner of the front board lightly bumped. In a near fine dust jacket with a price clipped jacket flap. Sub-titled: "The Logbook of a Boat Across America" provides the author's account of his efforts to navigate across the US in a boat.
    TB10565  $14.00

  • Horgan, Paul:  The Centuries of Santa Fe.  New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1956. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in black cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine & with a prior owner's name at upper edge of the 1st FEP. In a very good+ dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap with just light wear at the ends of the spine area. This Pulitzer Prize winning author and winner of the Bancroft Prize chronicles the three centuries of the city of Santa Fe.
    TB12035  $14.00

  • Hough, Henry B.:  Martha's Vineyard.  New York: Viking, 1970. First Edition, First printing. Near fine, In a very good but price clipped dust jacket with a chip at the upper edge of the front panel and rubbed. Photos by Alfred Eisenstaedt.
    TB02096  $8.40

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    Irving, John Treat, Jr.:  Indian Sketches.  Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1955. First Edition. Fine in light green cloth covered boards with a gilt on maroon title block on the spine. The top edge of the text block is speckled. In a very good+, price clipped dust jacket with the upper edge of the spine area rubbed and with the same to the upper fore corner of the front panel. The 18th volume in the American Exploration and Travel Series. 275 pages of text with 16 illustrations.
    TB26010  $45.00

  • Johnston, Verna R.:  Sierra Nevada.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970. First Edition, First printing. Near fine, In a very near fine dust jacket slightly rubbed at spine ends. The 2nd volume in The Naturalist's America series.
    TB02209  $21.00

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    Kennedy, Robert F.:  Just Friends And Brave Enemies.  New York: Harper & Row Publishers, (1962). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in black cloth covered boards with bold, gilt text on the spine and a facsimile of the author's signature on the front board in gilt. An octavo of 8 3/8 by 5 3/4 inches. In a very near fine, price clipped dust jacket with very light wear to the ends of the spine area. 211 pages including an index and text. Essentially a travelogue of Kennedy's 30,000 mile around the world tour in 1962.
    TB33493  $40.00

  • Kimbrough, Emily:  Pleasure by the Busload.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in decorated yellow cloth and black paper covered boards with a gift inscription and date on the fly title page. In a very good+ dust jacket with a price clipped front flap and minimal wear and rubbing at the corners & a 1/4" closed tear at the upper edge of the spine area at the fold to the rear panel. With illustrations by Mircea Vasiliu. A chroncle of a trip through Portugal in a VW Microbus.
    TB12154  $10.50

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    Krakauer, Jon:  Into Thin Air.  New York: Villard Books, 1997. First Edition, First printing. Fine, in 1/4 cloth and paper covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine and the author's initials on the front board. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. This contributing writer to Outside magazine has won praise for his previous book: Into The Wild and has had two best sellers to his credit. This title was made into a recent movie. A clean, tight and bright copy with no names, dates, notations or prior owner book plates.
    TB25677  $50.00

  • Kuralt, Charles:  Charles Kuralt's America.  New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1995. First Edition, First printing. Fine, In a fine dust jacket.
    TB03144  $17.50

  • Lillard, Richard G.:  Desert Challenge.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1942. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in tan cloth covered boards with blue decorations and text with spots of foxing on the spine and gutters. In a very good+ dust jacket with several closed tears at the upper edge of the spine area and light wear at the corners of the panels. Sub-titled: "An Interpretation of Nevada." 388 numbered pages followed by an index. The fold-out map at the front of the book is intact and undamaged.
    TB11102  $31.50

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    London, Charmian K.:  Our Hawaii (Islands and Islanders).  New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922. New and Revised Edition. Very good+ in smooth blue cloth covered boards with bright gilt text stamped on the spine and dark blue text stamped on the front board. A small octavo of 8 3/4 by 5 1/4 inches with minor rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and to the tips of the boards and with a prior owner's name, date, city and state on the front paste down. Laid-in at the front of the book is a one page letter signed and written by Charmian London saying "No Matter how I revise or change this book, still does it remain a love story, - of a great man, a lovely country & it's (sic) loving people." Dated June 1, 1922 | "Glen Ellen, California" 427 pages of text and illustrated with a frontispiece from a photograph and nine plates one of which is a color map of the Hawaiian Islands and the rest from photographs.
    TB32247  $1500.00

  • Lopez, Barry:  Northwest Passage.  New York: Aperture, 1996. First Edition, First printing. Fine in blue 1/4 cloth and paper covered boards. An oblong book measuring 10.5" x 12.5". In a fine dust jacket. Photographs and log by Robert Glenn Ketchum, preface by William Simon and the commentary is by Barry Lopez. The text is exerpted from Lopez's book Arctic Dreams of 1986.
    TB05739  $38.50

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    Mackenzie, Alexander:  Alexander Mackenzie's Voyage to the Pacific Ocean in 1793.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1931. First thus. Very good+ in red cloth covered boards with gilt decorations with a gilt top edge to the text block. The gilt text on the spine is slightly tarnished. The cloth at the head and heel of the spine shows several areas of rubbing and ware. There are no prior ownership markings of any kind. The book is protected by a clear mylar cover. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. Illustrated with a tipped-in, fold-out map preceding page 3 which is intact and undamaged. A Lakeside Classic issued in 1931. The original publication of this book was printed in England in 1801 and contained significantly more text some of which included a history of the fur trade. 384 pages including an index.
    TB33521  $55.00

  • Malley, Captain Thierry:  Glimpses Of The Barren Lands.  New York: Revillon Freres, 1930. First Edition, First printing. Very good- in 1/4 light green cloth and paper covered boards with red text on the front board and with light gray end sheets. An octavo measuring 8 3/4" by 5 3/4" Without a dust jacket. 142 pages of text illustrated with seven engravings on individual pages. A collection of seven true stories of the far north (Canada) including: Glimpses of the Barren Lands; The Battle of the Drums; Some Men I have Met In the North; Three Moose; My Friend Kakoot; Fur and Traders; and, When the Caribou Failed.
    TB23781  $10.00

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    Matthiessen, Peter:  The Snow Leopard.  Franklin: The Franklin Library, 1978. First Edition. Fine in full tan leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and tool work in the compartments and with gilt tool work on the boards. The edges of the text block are gilt, the end sheets are silk and there is a matching placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. There are minor touches of wear to the tips of the boards and minor fading to the leather on the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued. An octavo measuring 9" by 6" containing 348 pages including an index, chapter notes and text. This printing is the true first edition of this book. It was the winner of the 1979 National Book Award. 348 pages including an index.
    TB29410  $100.00

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    Matthiessen, Peter:  Sand Rivers.  New York: The Viking Press, 1981. First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in white cloth covered boards with blue and red text stamped on the spine. A small quarto of 9 3/4 by 6 3/4 inches with minor soiling to the cloth on the boards. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with the soiling from the boards offset onto the verso of the dust jacket and with rubbing and wear to the ends of the spine area. Signed by the author without an inscription on the title page. 213 pages including notes and text. Illustrated throughout with both black and white and color photos by Hugo van Lawick
    TB29585  $45.00

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    Mayes, Fraces:  Under The Tuscan Sun At Home In Italy.  San Francisco: Chronicle Books, (1996). Seventh Printing. Fine in yellow cloth covered boards with red and yellow text on the spine. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/2 inches. Laid-in at the front of the book is a brochure from the New Canaan Library regarding the appearance of Frances Mayes on March 19, 2006. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Inscribed and signed by the author on the title page. 280 pages of text. An extremely handsome copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB33572  $75.00

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    McPhee, John:  The Crofter & the Laird.  New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1970. First Edition, First printing. Fine in bright red cloth covered boards with bright gilt text stamping on the spine. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches with a prior owner's book plate on the first free end page. In a fine unclipped dust jacket. An extremely handsome copy of one of McPhee's more sought after titles. The author's seventh book which details his return to his Scottish roots in the Herbrides. 159 pages and illustrated with black and white line drawings by James Graves.
    TB32741  $150.00

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    Michener, James A.:  The Voice of Asia.  New York: Random House, 1951. First Edition, First printing. Near fine with a hardly noticable 1/2 inch dampstain on the upper edge of the spine and edge of the front board & prior owner's stamp on FEP. In a very good+ dust jacket lightly worn and flecked at the base of the spine area and corners of the panels rubbed and flecked. This is the first state of the first edition which can be identified by mention of the play South Pacific on the rear flap of the dust jacket. All other states fail to mention this famous musical adaptation of Michener's earlier work.
    TB05685  $45.00

  • Michener, James A.:  Pilgrimage: A Memoir of Poland & Rome.  Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1990. First Edition, First printing. Fine In a near fine dust jacket two small (1/8") wear marks on front panel. The book contains an introduction by Lech Walesa. A record of Michener's 2 week tour through Poland and Rome.
    TB02631  $14.00

  • Michener, James A.:  Miracle in Seville.  New York: Random House, 1995. First Edition, First printing. Fine, In a near fine dust jacket due to a price clipped jacket flap. With illustrations by John Fulton. 107 numbered pageds of text and illustrations.
    TB10597  $12.60

  • Miller, Robert R.:  For Science and National Glory.  Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. First Edition, First printing. Fine in bright yellow cloth covered boards with black and red text and decorations on the spine. In a near fine dust jacket with a price clipped jacket flap and with a hint of flecking of the color to the upper edge of the front panel. Volume 55 of the American Exploration and Travel Series.
    TB06785  $25.00

  • Morice, Bernard:  Le Palais Du Luxembourg Et Ses Metamorphoses.  Paris: Draeger, 1975. . Fine in ivory colored cloth covered boards with gilt tool work around the board edges and gilt embossing on the front board. a glassine protector which is in In a very good+ dust jacket condition with 1/3" closed tear to the front flap edge. The book is in French and was published to commemorate the 100th aniversary of the Belgian Senat. This is copy number 8,952 of 10,000 copies issued. The second free end page is inscribed by Senator Charles Errant in 1985. Laid-in are two menues from the Senat Restaurant.
    TB07334  $52.50

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    Mowat, Farley:  Sibur My Discovery of Siberia.  Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1970. First Edition. Near fine with dust staining to the top edge of the text block. In a very good dust, price clipped dust jacket with minor chips and creases at the upper edges of the panels and spine area. Signed by the author on the title page with no dedication or inscription. 313 pages including an index.
    TB00584  $100.00

  • Mowat, Farley:  Sibur.  Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1970. First Edition, First printing. Fine in light green cloth covered boards. In a very good+ dust jacket but with a price clipped jacket flap with very light wear and flecking to the spine ends and rubbed at the folds to the flaps. With a 1" closed tear to the upper edge of the front panel. Mowat's journey of discovery to Siberia.
    TB05910  $35.00

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    Mowat, Farley:  Canada North.  Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1967. First Edition, First printing. Fine in navy blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with a two inch long closed tear at the lower edge of the front panel and light rubbing to the folds. A photographic book of northern Canada. 128 pages.
    TB00565  $30.00

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    Mowat, Farley:  Aftermath: Travels in a Post-War World.  New York: Roberts Rinehart, 1996. First Edition, First Printing. Fine, In a fine dust jacket.
    TB03750  $30.00

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    Mowat, Farley:  The Siberians.  Boston: Little Brown & Company, 1970. First Edition, First Printing. Near fine. Near fine with a price clipped front flap and with minor creasing at the lower edge of the spine area and the front panel. 360 pages.
    TB01384  $25.00

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    Mowat, Farley:  The New-Founde-Land.  Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1989. First Edition. Fine, In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 330 pages.
    TB02337  $20.00

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    Mowat, Farley:  John O'Groats.  John O'Groats: Privately Printed, none stated. 14th Edition. Fine in printed paper wraps. Without a dust jacket as issued. The forward is by Farley Mowat. The book appears to be written by his son, Bill Mowat. The book is about the last northern town of the mainland of Scotland, John O'Groats.
    TB05909  $15.00

  • Palmer, Tim:  America by Rivers.  Washington, DC: Island Press, 1996. First Edition, First printing. Fine in blue cloth and paper covered boards. In a fine dust jacket. A review copy with the publisher's material laid-in. The author spend more than 25 years researching and traveling many of the major rivers of the US to write this book.
    TB05991  $17.50

  • Peacock, Doug:  Baja!.  Boston: Bullfinch Press, 1991. First Edition. Near fine in blue paper covered boards with white text lettering with a remainder note of "AS IS" on bottom edge, else fine. In a near fine dust jacket with just a hint of wear to the spine ends. Introduction by Peter Matthiessen, with text by Doug Peacock and photographs by Terrence Moore. A photographic and descriptive narration of the 800 mile peninsula of Baja.
    TB05331  $75.00

  • Pendergast, David M.:  Palenque.  Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967. First Edition, First printing. Near fine, with remainder mark spraying to the top edge of the text block, else fine. In a very near fine, but price clipped dust jacket with the ends of the spine area rubbed. The 52 volume in The American Exploration and Travel Series.
    TB02539  $30.00

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    Pownall, T. {Thomas}:  A Topographical Description Of The Dominions Of The United States Of America.  Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1949. Second Expanded Edition. Fine in yellow-green cloth covered boards with gilt on black title blocks on the spine and the author's name stamped in gilt on the front board. A quarto of 12 by 8 1/2 inches with two, very small and minor fading marks at the head of the spine and a small snag at the lower fore edge of the front board. The contents are in perfect condition as well as the two fold-out maps. Without a dust jacket. One of only 2,000 copies of this title printed and sold. 235 pages including an index, bibliography and text. Edited by and with a preface by Lois Mulkearn. Illustrated by a frontispiece and with two, very large, fold-out maps tipped-in at the rear of the book. This title was first published in London in 1776. The author added subsequent material expanding the original edition by approximately one third with the intent of publishing a second edition. That was not done until the publication of this version. (Howes, P-543)
    TB30703  $40.00

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    Pritchett, V. S.:  Marching Spain.  London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1928. First Edition, First printing. Very good in lightly soiled orange cloth covered boards with gilt text and decorations on the spine. The end sheets show modest tanning and the boards and the spine is slightly soiled. Without a dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page. 224 pages of text illustrated with a photographic frontispiece and seven black and white photographs.
    TB20605  $150.00

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    Rich, Virtulon:  Western Life In The Stirrups A Sketch of a Journey to the West in the Spring & Summer of 1832.  Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1965. First Edition. Very good+ in 1/4 brown cloth and marbled paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine. A 12mo of 7 3/8 by 5 3/4 inches with sections of the marbled paper worn through at the edges of the boards and particularly at the tips of the boards. Without a dust jacket. 81 pages of text. Illustrated with a frontispiece portrait of the author and a map of the eastern portion of the United States which traces the routes taken by the author. Edited by and with an introduction by Dwight L. Smith. This title is the first publication of Virtulon Rich's journal which included his journey by horseback from upstate Vermont to Albany, New York City, Washington, DC, Maryland, Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and the eastern edge of Illinois from where he returned in 1832.
    TB29942  $20.00

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    Roberts, Kenneth:  Florida.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1926. First Edition. Good+ in green cloth covered boards with faded gilt text on the spine and readable gilt text and decorations on the front board. An octavo measuring 8 1/2" by 5 1/2" with a 1/8" tear to the cloth at the head of the spine which is well tanned so that the gilt text is unreadable Signed and inscribed "For Bingham Morris | from a fellow sufferer " by the author on the title page. Fewer than 5,000 copies of this title were sold by Harper and Brothers. 324 pages of text illustrated with black and white photographs.
    TB05743  $175.00

  • Roberts, Kenneth:  Florida.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1926. First Edition, First printing. Very good with the spine faded and with light wear at the spine ends in decorated green cloth covered boards. Without a dust jacket. Fewer than 5,000 copies of this title were sold by Harper and Brothers. 324 pages of text followed by three pages of ads from the publisher. Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs. As it is difficult to generalize the content of this book, let's use some of the chapter headings to describe what Roberts was trying to say: " Of the modern passion for explanations - and the peculiar mass movement to the tropics."; "Of Florida Migrants, Starting with ankle tourists"; Of another Florida Gateway and the Starry-eyed motorists who pass through it daily - and of a comparison between the Florida migration and other great migrations in history"; "Of the financial shortcoming of various Florida Real-Estate Dealers - of Astute and Trusworthy Advisers who are neither astute nor trustworthy - and of certain sad features of paper profits."
    TB06445  $75.00

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    Roberts, Kenneth:  Sun Hunting.  Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Comp., 1922. First Edition, Second State. Near Fine in its original dark green, vertically ribbed cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and on the front board. A 12mo of 7 5/16 by 5 inches with light rubbing to the cloth at the head of the spine and with a light narrow scuff mark across the upper eighth of the front board. Without its issued dust jacket. 198 pages of text. Illustrated from black and white photographs. The author's third book which focuses on Florida and the highs and the lows of that state during the early 1920s.
    TB30863  $35.00

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    Roberts, Kenneth:  Moreau de St. Mery's American Journey.  Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1947. First Edition. Very good+ in off white cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine. An octavo of 9 by 6 inches with the cloth on the front board slightly soiled, the spine lightly tanned and a gift inscription on the first free end page. Without its issued dust jacket. Overall a nice copy of this entirely true account of travel through post-Revolutionary America. An excellent source of information for genealogists and historians. The original document was discovered by Kenneth Roberts during his research for his book Lydia Bailey. Roberts and his wife translated this the first US edition from the French.
    TB32198  $20.00

  • Rudner, Ruth:  Greetings from Wisdom, Montana.  Golden: Fulcrum, Inc., 1989. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 light blue cloth and paper covered boards. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. The author is a frequent writer for the Wall Street Journal. This is her fifth book.
    TB11521  $25.00

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    Salisbury, Harrison E.:  American In Russia.  New York: Harper Brothers Publishers, (1955). First Edition. Very good+ in 1/4 gray and maroon cloth covered boards with a gilt title block and gilt text on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/4 by 5 5/8 inches with faint crease in the middle of the spine and wear to the heel of the spine. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with shallow chips at the ends of the spine area and wear and rubbing to the fold to the front flap. 328 pages of text including an index. Illustrated with a two page map at the start of the text and a 16 page section of images from black and white photographs. The author, as a reporter for the New York Times, spent five years living and traveling through Russia and narrating what he saw and learned in the time between 1949 to 1954.
    TB33581  $30.00

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    Schiel, Jacob H.:  Journey Through The Rocky Mountains And The Humboldt Mountains To The Pacific Ocean.  Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, (1959). First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in lime green cloth covered boards with silver colored text on the spine. A small quarto measuring 9" by 6" with light rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and with mild dust staining to the top edge of the text block. In a very good+ unclipped dust jacket with modest rubbing and wear to the ends of the spine area and with light soiling to the rear panel. Translated from the German and edited by Thomas N. Bonner. This is volume 27 in the University of Oklahoma's collection of books referred to as The American Exploration and Travel series. 114 pages of text including a list of other volumes in the American Exploration and Travel Series, an index, bibliography, a list of elevations and locations and text. Originally published in German in 1859, this was the author's account of his participation in the Gunnison Expedition sent out in 1853 from Missouri to explore railroad routes to the Pacific. A lame horse forced his return to the main party, an event which saved his life as Gunnison and the accompanying personnel were massacre by Indians. Schiel then joined the command under Lt. Beckwith which eventually reached the Pacific shore the following year. (Howes, S159)
    TB24815  $45.00

  • Scott, Sir Walter:  Lady Of The Lakes (Mauchline Ware).  London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1866. Reprint of 1866. This Scottish souvenir is in near fine condition bound within two wooden boards of sycamore and typically printed and illustrated with a scene of Scotland and holding a book by one of Scotland's leading poets or authors. In this case the author is Sir Walter Scott and the title is Lady Of The Lake. The manufactures of this product were William and Andrew Smith of Mauchline, Scotland who, during the Victorian era, started a factory making decorated snuff-boxes about 1825. By the 1850's when the railroads were allowing tourists to travel longer distances their trade expanded to handsome souvenirs which were decorated with things Scottish. Carpenters and cabinetmakers from Mauchline began competing with the Smiths giving the town a growing source of income and notoriety....hence "Mauchline Ware". (Source: This handsome book is a 24mo of 5 7/8 by 3 3/4 inches with all edges of the text block gilt The front board is illustrated with an untitled scene somewhere in Scotland. The rear board is printed with the following: "Warranted oak from Stirling Castle of the Royal Palace And bought in the Douglas Room".
    TB32268  $300.00

  • Scott, Sir Walter:  The Scottish Keepsake, or The Songs of The Arshire Bard - Mauchline Ware.  Mauchline, Arshire, Scotland: William and Andrew Smith, no date (circa 1860). . This Scottish souvenir is in very good condition bound within two wooden boards of sycamore and typically printed and illustrated with a scene of Scotland and holding a book by one of Scotland's leading poets or authors. In this case the author is Robert Burns and the title is Songs of Burns. The manufactures and publishers of this little book were William and Andrew Smith of Mauchline, Scotland who, during the Victorian era, started a factory making decorated snuff-boxes about 1825. By the 1850's when the railroads were allowing tourists to travel longer distances their trade expanded to handsome souvenirs which were decorated with things Scottish. As demand for these souvenirs grew, Carpenters and cabinetmakers from Mauchline began competing with the Smiths giving the town a growing source of income and notoriety....hence "Mauchline Ware". (Source: This tiny volume is a 32mo of 4 3/8 by 2 3/4 inches and is illustrated on the front board with a scene of Dunkeld "the Eden of the north". The rear board is illustrated with a scene of The Hermitage in Dunfeld. The hinge and joint for the rear board have separated allowing the rear board to be loose from the text block. All edges of the text block are gilt. 133 pages of text.
    TB32269  $200.00

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    [Silliman, Benjamin]:  Remarks Made On A Short Tour Between Hartford And Quebec in the Autumn of 1819.  New Haven: S. Converse, 1824. Second Edition, with corrections and additions. Near fine in a recent light brown cloth binding with gilt text and borders stamped on the spine and new end sheets. A small octavo measuring 7 5/8 by 4 3/4 inches Without a dust jacket. 443 pages of text with an engraved title page and a printed title page. Illustrated with a frontispiece and nine engraved plates by Simon S. Jocelyn. Silliman was a noted American chemist, geologist and educator at Yale. He was Yale's first professor of chemistry and natural history. In this trip Silliman provides comment not only on sites and landmarks, but also the topography and geology of the areas he traveled. (Howes S-459; Sabin 81042)
    TB28823  $150.00

  • Spaulding, George F. (Editor):  On The Western Tour With Washington Irving The Journal and Letters of Count de Pourtales.  Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, (1968). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in olive green cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine. An octavo of 8 3/4 by 5 7/8 inches with a sprinkling of black ink on the top edge of the text block. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with a 1/4" short closed tear with a related crease at the top edge of the front panel. 96 pages including an index, bibliography and text. Illustrated with 14 images from earlier works of art. A young Swiss nobleman, Count Albert-Alexadre de Pourtales, was one of four men to make a trip down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and then across the plains to what is now Oklahoma and what then was Indian Terriroty in 1832. Washington Irving made this trip famous in his book A Tour Of The Prairies. This title contains the journal written by Pourtales and is here first published. Volume 54 in the University of Oklahoma's collection of titles in the Exploration and Travel series.
    TB30036  $25.00

  • Sproule, Anna:  Port Out Starboard Home The Rise and Fall of the Ocean Passage.  Dorset: Blandford Press, 1978. First Edition, First printing. Fine in textured blue paper covered boards with a prior owner's written name and blind embossed seal on the first free end paper. In a fine jacket with the price intact on the lower corner of the front flap. 128 pages with an index, text and photographs through-out all of which trace the history of ocean travel.
    TB15175  $15.00

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    Stark, Freya:  The Valleys Of The Assassins and Other Persian Travels.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1992). Collector's Edition. Fine in full dark brown leather covered boards with five compartments on the spine with gilt text and decorations. All edges of the text block are gilt. The end sheets are of silk and there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. An octavo of 8 1/4 by 5 1/2 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. Containing 365 pages of text including an index. Illustrated with a frontispiece drawings and maps. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Library of Travel Classics which is no longer published and sold by The Easton Press. A very handsome, tight, clean copy with no prior owner's names, dates, notations or book plates.
    TB29295  $85.00

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    Stevenson, Robert Louis:  Across The Plains With Other Memories And Essays.  London: Chatto & Windus, 1892. First Edition. Good in dark blue cloth covered beveled boards with gilt text on the spine and with the top edge of the text block gilt. A small octavo measuring 7 1/2 by 4 7/8 inches with the cloth worn through at the tips of the boards and beginning to wear and separate at the front joint. The cloth at the head of the spine is worn down to the the upper edge of the text block and there are minor spots of foxing to the rear four pages of text. Without a dust jacket. 317 pages of text. (Gerstley Stevenson Collection, 48)
    TB29111  $30.00

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    Sykes, Ella, and Sir Percy Sykes:  Through Deserts And Oases Of Central Asia.  Mansfield Centre, Conn.: Martino Publishing, 2006. Facsimile Reprint. Fine in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text and borders on the spine. An octavo measuring 9" by 6" with only hints of dampness staining at the upper and lower inside corners of the end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued. 340 pages including an index followed by a fold-out hand colored map. A facsimile reprint of the author's 1920 printing by MacMillan And Co., Limited of London.
    TB27404  $65.00

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    Theroux, Paul:  The Great Railway Bazaar.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1992). Collector's Edition. Fine in full black leather covered boards with four compartments on the spine with gilt text and decorations. All edges of the text block are gilt. The end sheets are of silk and there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. An octavo of 8 3/8 by 5 1/2 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. Containing 342 pages of text. Illustrated with a frontispiece drawing. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Library of Travel Classics which is no longer published and sold by The Easton Press. A very handsome, tight, clean copy with no prior owner's names, dates, notations or book plates.
    TB29288  $75.00

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    Theroux, Paul:  Sunrise with Seamonsters.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 light blue cloth and light gray paper covered boards with dark blue and silver colored text on the spine. An octavo of 9 1/8 by 6 1/8 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. 365 pages of text.
    TB30291  $50.00

  • Theroux, Paul:  The Old Patagonian Express.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979. First Edition, First printing. Fine in green decorated cloth covered boards with yellow text stamping on the spine. In a near fine dust jacket with a hint of wear at the top of the spine.
    TB05448  $35.00

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    Theroux, Paul:  Riding the Iron Rooster by Train Through China.  New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1988. First Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/4 black cloth and paper covered boards with bright gilt text stamping on the spine. A small quarto of 9 3/16 by 6 inches with a small red remainder mark on the lower edge of the text block. In a fine jacket with the price intact on the front flap with a tiny faint closed tear to the lower edge of the front panel at the fold to the front flap. Signed without an inscription or date on the title page by the author. The author's account of his extensive travel through China by railroad. 480 pages of text. Illustrated with map end sheets. A fine, bright and clean copy.
    TB30284  $35.00

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    Theroux, Paul:  The Best American Travel Writing 2001.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in charcoal gray cloth covered boards with silver colored text on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/4 by 5 3/8 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. This title is edited and with an introduction by Paul Theroux. The series editor is Jason Wilson. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. 418 pages. A collection of 26 reprinted stories and essays from various magazines.
    TB30299  $35.00

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    Theroux, Paul:  Fresh Air Fiend Travel Writings 1985-2000.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 green cloth and blue paper covered boards with silver colored text on the spine. An octavo of 9 by 6 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. 466 pages including a bibliography and text. A collection of 51 essays on travel.
    TB30290  $30.00

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    Theroux, Paul:  The Pillars Of Hercules A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean.  New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, (1995). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 white paper and tan paper covered boards with gilt text stamped on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/4 by 6 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page with no inscription or date. 506 pages of text. Illustrated with map end sheets. A fine, bright and clean copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB30287  $25.00

  • Theroux, Paul:  Riding the Iron Rooster by Train Through China.  New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1988. First Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/4 black cloth and paper covered boards with bright gilt text stamping on the spine. In a fine jacket with the price intact on the front flap with a tiny faint closed tear to the lower edge of the front panel at the fold to the front flap. The author's account of his extensive travel through China by railroad. 480 pages of text.
    TB14578  $21.00

  • Theroux, Pual:  The Kingdom by the Sea.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983. First Edition, First printing. Near Fine, bottom edges nicked. In a very good+ but price clipped dust jacket with light wear at ends of the spine area. A tour of the British Isles.
    TB01829  $10.50

  • Toole, Ross K.:  Twentieth-Century Montana A State of Extremes.  Norman: University of Okalahma Press, 1972. First Edition. Fine in light blue cloth covered boards silver colored text stamping on the spine. An incisive and historical account of Montana through 1900 to the 1930's and from the 1960's and 70's. 307 pages containing an index, text and numerous photographs through out.
    TB11515  $50.00

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    [Vandewater, Robert J.]:  The Tourist, Or Pocket Manual For Travellers On The Hudson River, The Western Canal And Stage Road To Niagara Falls Down Lake Ontario And The St. Lawrence To Montreal And Quebec Comprising Also The Routes To Lebanon, Ballston, And Saratoga Springs..  New York: Harper Brothers, 1834. Third Edition, Enlarged and Improved. Very good- and rebacked retaining the original backstrip and the original end sheets in its original binding of light blue cloth covered boards. A 24mo measuring 6 by 3 3/4 inches with rubbing to all edges of the cloth around the boards and with minimal rubbing to the paper title block affixed to the front board. The fold-out map is present with multiple folds and only minor losses in the margins. The title page shows an early prior owner's name and date of July 3, 1834 in pencil and the blank second to last end page repeats that name and date in pencil. That same page has been torn such that a 4 by 4 inch portion of the page has been removed. 95 pages of text followed by a blank page and 12 pages of ads from the publisher. A tourist's guide starting in Philadelphia to New York City then up the Hudson River to Albany and west on the Erie Canal. Containing interesting facts and features as they then existed along the routes taken. (Howes, V-28; Sabin, 98486
    TB32415  $200.00

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    W. [William Cowper Prime]:  The Owl Creek Letters, And Other Correspondence.  New York: Baker & Scribner, 1848. First Edition. Very good in its original light brown, blind embossed, cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. A 12mo of 7 3/8 by 4 1/2 inches the cloth at the ends of the spine worn down to the edges of the text block and the cloth over the lower tips of the boards worn through and the front hinge is starting, but has been professionally reinforced with Japanese tissue. 203 pages of text followed by an errata page. A collection of 23 letters written from various locations around the US to include Stonington, Connecticut, New York City, Montauk, Long Island, and Saratoga, New York. William Cowper Prime (1825–1905) was an American journalist, art historian, numismatist, attorney, and travel writer. (Wikipedia) This was Prime's first book. (Sabin, 65546)
    TB33198  $80.00

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    (Washington Irving):  The Crayon Miscellany No. 2 Containing Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1835. First Edition. Very good+ in a restored binding with new end sheets in the publisher's original green cloth covered boards with a new, faithfully accurate reproduction of the original paper label on the spine. A 12mo measuring 7" tall by 4 1/4" deep. The cloth on the spine is lightly worn around the edges as is the cloth at the edges of the boards; but, there is no fraying. The pages of the text block are all evenly tanned. There are two early prior owner's names in pencil on the second free end page and on the title page. 230 pages of text followed by a blank leaf and 32 pages of ads from the publisher and one final blank leaf. The Crayon Miscellany No. 1 contained A Tour On The Prairies and was published by Carey, Lea, & Blanchard on April 11, 1835. This volume, No. 2, was published six weeks later, on May 30, 1835. Reportedly, only 5,000 copies were printed. The contents are "Irving's fond tribute to the homes of Walter Scott and Lord Byron." (Brian Jay Jones: Washington Irving An American Original.) It was well received by an adoring American public even winning fond praise from Edgar Allan Poe in his review which appeared in the Southern Literary Messenger. The British publication of nearly the same text preceded the American edition by roughly one month. (Langford/Blackburn p. 33; BAL 10142)
    TB25978  $150.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    [Washington Irving]:  The Crayon Miscellany No. 1 Containing A Tour On The Prairies; The Crayon Miscellany No. 2 Containing Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey and The Crayon Miscellany No. 3 Containing Legends of the Conquest of Spain (3 volumes).  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1835. All First Editions . All three volumes are in the publisher's original dark green cloth covered boards with the original, paper labels on the spines of No. 1 and No. 2. and with a meticulously accurate reproduction of the paper label on the spine of No. 3. All three are 12mos measuring 7" by 4 1/4" and are all in very good or better condition. No. 1 is a first edition, first state with the sheets bulking to 9/16" without the ads with the synopsis on page 247 showing: "binger of dawn" and the paper spine label is identified as "Label A" and, the catalog (ads at the rear) is identified as "Catalog A" per BAL 10140. It is in very good condition and contains 274 pages followed by a blank leaf and then by 24 pages of ads by the publisher. There is some scuffing to the boards and there is an early prior owner's name written in both ink and pencil on the first free end page. (The penciled signature is followed by a date of "1835". ) The corners of the boards are turned inward and there are spots of foxing throughout. Only 5,000 copies of the first printing were produced making this title fairly uncommon. This was Irving's first book written entirely in the US following his seventeen year stay in Europe. He was worried that Tour of the Prairies was too simple and not strong enough to stand on its own as a book. In January of 1835 he hit upon the idea of publishing it as the first volume in a multi-volume series he would call The Crayon Miscellany. (Brian Jay Jones: Washington Irving An American Original) In this volume he added an opening announcement (billed as an "Advertisement") with the following statement: "The 'Crayon Miscellany' will appear in the numbers, from time to time, as circumstances may permit' and will contain scenes and sketches of life in America and Europe; together with such other themes, both real and imaginary, as may present themselves to the mind of the Author." No. 2 is a first edition in very good+ condition in the publisher's original green cloth covered boards with the original paper label on the spine with a minor, narrow abrasion approximately 1/2" long. A 12mo measuring 7" tall by 4 1/4" deep with an early (1898) prior owner's name written in ink on the second free end page. 230 pages of text followed by a blank leaf and 36 pages of ads from the publisher and one final blank leaf and the free end sheet. No. 2, was published six weeks after No. 1, on May 30, 1835. Reportedly, only 5,000 copies were printed. The contents are "Irving's fond tribute to the homes of Walter Scott and Lord Byron." (Brian Jay Jones: Washington Irving An American Original.) It was well received by an adoring American public even winning fond praise from Edgar Allan Poe. No. 3 is also a first edition in very good condition with a prior owner's book plate on the front paste down and tape marks on the first free end page and with moderate foxing throughout the preliminaries, ads and end sheets as well as light soiling to the rear board. It contains 276 pages followed by eight pages of ads from the publisher. Per BAL 10144 this copy conforms to "Setting A". Like the previous two volumes, the first printing of this title was limited to 5,000 copies. This is the third and final volume in The Crayon Miscellany. A handsome and complete collection of Irving's Crayon Miscellany. (BAL 10140, 10142 & 10144; Langerfeld/Blackburn p. 33)
    TB25992  $800.00

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    Wharton, Edith:  A Motor-Flight Through France.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908. First Edition. Very good+ condition in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and on the front board and with the top edge of the text block gilt. An octavo of 8 1/8 by 5 3/4 inches with rubbing to the cloth at the corners of the spine. Without a dust jacket. 201 pages of text and illustrated with a frontispiece and 46 plates from black and white photographs. A clean and handsome copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32834  $150.00

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    Women's Rest Tour Association:  Foreign Lodging List Issued By The Women's Rest Tour Association.  Boston: Women's Rest Tour Association, 1934. . Very good+ in heavy brown, printed wraps over an adhesive binding. A 16mo of 6 7/8 by 4 1/2 inches with a closed tear to the paper cover over the lower edge of the spine and page 258 has three name deletions under physicians and Dentists. Without a dust jacket. (218) pages followed by several blank pages for notes, the first page of which shows a column of six figures with a total. The lower 1/2 of the front cover is filled-in by the pervious owner of Wethersfield, Connecticut, USA
    TB29959  $25.00

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