Books in stock by Barry Lopez
Arranged alphabetically by title.

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    Lopez, Barry:  About This Life.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 maroon and blue/gray paper covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/4 by 5 1/2 inches. In a fine unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the fly title page without an inscription or a date. A collection of essays which provide a deep insight into the background of this National Book Award winner.
    TB33386  $75.00

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    Lopez, Barry:  Apologia.  Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1998. First Edition thus, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 red cloth and black paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. An oblong small 4to of 9 3/4 by 9 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. Originally published in 1997 by Lone Goose Press in a limited edition of fifty signed and numbered copies. A tribute to the animals on the road. Unpaginated.
    TB20007  $75.00

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    Lopez, Barry H.:  Coyote Love Native American Folktales.  Portland, Maine: Coyote Love Press, (1989). Limited Edtion. Fine in 1/4 tan paper and simulated wood burl paper covered boards hand-tied thread and trailing beads. A small quarto of 9 1/2 by 6 inches with faint dust staining to the top edge of the text block. No dust jacket intended A beautiful, hand made limited edition of 99 copies. Signed by both author and Gary Buch, the illustrator on the last page 23 pages of text followed by the limitation page.
    TB00679  $500.00

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    Lopez, Barry:  Crossing Open Ground.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, (1988). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 tan cloth and light blue paper covered boards with copper colored text on the spine. An octavo of 8 7/8 by 6 inches with faint foxing around the edges of the text block. In a fine, price clipped dust jacket. Signed by author on fly title page without an inscription or date. 208 pages of text. A collection of 14 essays.
    TB01051  $65.00

  • Lopez, Barry:  Crow and Weasel.  San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990. First Edition, First printing. Fine in navy linen covered boards with gilt text stamping on the front cover and on the spine. In a fine jacket with a small 1/3" stain on the rear panel. Signed by the author on the title page. With illustrations by Tom Pohrt. A remarkable children's book which sold out quickly in first edition.
    TB04454  $30.00

  • Lopez, Barry:  Crow and Weasel (in wraps).  New York: Harper Perennial, 1993. First PB Edition. Fine in heavy illustrated paper wraps. Signed by the author on the first free end page.
    TB01420  $14.00

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    Lopez, Barry:  Field Notes.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994. First Edition. 1/4 brown cloth and light orange paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine and on the front board In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or a date. 159 pages of text. A collection of 12 short stories.
    TB33387  $45.00

  • Lopez, Barry:  Field Notes.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994. First Edition, First printing. Near fine with a gift inscription and a colored sketch on the title page; otherwise in fine condition. In a near fine dust jacket.
    TB10071  $15.00

  • Lopez, Barry H.:  Giving Birth To Thunder Sleeping With His Daughter Coyote Builds North America.  Kansas City: Sheed Andrews & McMeel, Inc., (1977). First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. An octavo of 9 by 5 7/8 inches with the cloth at the head of the spine very slightly bumped and with faint spots of foxing to the fore edge of the text block. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with modest wear and flecking colors at the top of the spine area. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. An extremely scarce book due to its limited issue. 186 pages of text.
    TB04014  $125.00

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    Lopez, Barry:  Lessons from the Wolverine.  New York: University of Georgia Press, 1997. First Edition. Fine in decorated paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/2 by 4 1/2 inches.. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author and the illustrator on the title page without an inscription or date. A reprint of the story of the same name which appeared in Field Notes: The Grace Note of the Canyon Wren in 1994. Illustrated by Tom Pohrt who collaberated with Lopez in Crow and Weasel.
    TB33385  $95.00

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    Lopez, Barry:  Light Action in the Caribbean.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. A collection of 14 short stories. 162 pages of text.
    TB33388  $45.00

  • Lopez, Barry:  Northwest Passage.  New York: Aperture, 1996. First Edition, First printing. Fine in blue 1/4 cloth and paper covered boards. An oblong book measuring 10.5" x 12.5". In a fine dust jacket. Photographs and log by Robert Glenn Ketchum, preface by William Simon and the commentary is by Barry Lopez. The text is exerpted from Lopez's book Arctic Dreams of 1986.
    TB05739  $38.50

  • Lopez, Barry:  Pulling Wire.  n.p. (Minnesota): Red Dragonfly Press, 2003. First Edition. Fine in handmade paper wrapers. A octavo measuring 8 3/4 by 5 5/8 inches containing 13 numbered pages of laid paper with rough-cut edges. Without a dust jacket as issued. One of only 240 copies printed from Cochin and Fournier types on Iyo Glazed paper (although only about 200 copies were available for sale). An attractively presented fictional short story by Barry Lopez.
    TB18566  $125.00

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    Lopez, Barry:  The Rediscovery of North America.  Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, (1990). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in tan cloth covered boards with black text on the spine. A small octavo of 7 3/4 by 5 3/16 inches. In a fine, unclipped (no price) dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. Unpaginated.
    TB01009  $125.00

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    Lopez, Barry H.:  River Notes The Dance of Herons.  Kansas City: Andrews & McMeel, (1979). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in light green cloth covered boards with silver colored text on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/2 by 5 3/8 inches with faint dust staining to the top edge of the text block. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with very modest wear marks at spine ends, else fine. Signed and inscribed by the author on the first free end paper. 100 pages of text. A collection of eleven short stories which together form a companion volume to Lopez's earlier volume: Desert Notes.
    TB03217  $125.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Lopez, Barry H.:  River Notes The Dance of Herons.  Kansas City: Andrews & McMeel, (1979). First Edition, First printing. Fine in light blue cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/2 by 5 3/8 inches In a very good+, price clipped dust jacket with a number of short closed tears to the ends of the spine area and a 1/4" chip from the front panel about 1/2" up from its lower edge. 100 pages of text. A collection of eleven short stories which together form a companion volume to Lopez's earlier volume: Desert Notes.
    TB25842  $40.00

  • Lopez, Barry H.:  Winter Count.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, (1981). First Edition. Fine in black cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/8 by 5 1/2 inches with very faint spots of foxing to the fore edge of the text block. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. 112 pages of text. A collection of nine essays.
    TB00992  $75.00

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