Leather Books Authors Q to Z
Arranged alphabetically by author.

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    Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan:  The Yearling.  Franklin Center: The Franklin Library, 1984. Limited Edition. Fine in gilt decorated, full bright red leather covered boards with gilt text and decorations stamped between three raised bands on the spine and with marbled end papers and gilt edges to the text block with a silk placement ribbon bound-in at the head of the spine. An octavo measuring 9" by 6". One of the volumes in The Franklin Library's collection of Pulitzer Prize Winners. The author won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1939 for this title. 380 pages of text with illustrations by Thomas B. Allen. A beautiful volume with no names, dates, plates or notations.
    TB30055  $50.00

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    Rémusat, Madame [Claire Elisabeth Jeanne Gravier de Vergennes de Rémusat]:  Memoires De Madame De Remusat 1802-1808.  Paris: Calmann Levy, 1880. Dixiem Edition. All three volumes of this three volume set are in very good+ condition in 3/4 red leather and marbled paper covered boards with five raised bands on the spines with gilt text and volume numbers in the compartments. Each volume is an octavo measuring 8 1/2" by 5 1/4" with marbled end sheets and placement ribbons sewn-in at the heads of the spines. The top edges of the text blocks are gilt. There is only light rubbing to the leather and all joints and hinges are tight. Each volume shows a faint dampness stain across the upper edge of the pages inside of the margins. Volume one contains 413 pages, volume II contains 420 pages and volume III 416 pages. The text is in French. Madame De Remusat (1780-1821) was a French writer and made a lady in waiting to Empress Josephine in 1802. Overseas customers please contact Town's End Books before ordering for a shipping cost estimate for this three volume set.
    TB27447  $150.00

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    Riley, James:  An Authentic Narrative of the Loss of the American Brig Commerce, Wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa in the Month of August, 1815 with an Account of the Suffering of her Surviving Officers and Crew, Who Were Enslaved by the Wandering Arabs on the Great African Desart, or Zahahrah.....  Hartford: Silas Andrus, c.1817 & 1828, 1847. Reprint of Revised edition of 1847. A small octavo of 8 1/2 by 4 1/2 inches in very good condition which has been rebacked in 1/4 leather and patterned cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine with "Riley's Narrative" and with gilt dual borders at the head and heel of the spine. The cloth over the boards has deteriorated badly with major portions falling off and the leather over the tips of the boards has worn through. There is an embossed seal on the first free end page from a prior, private owner. Containing 271 pages of text and Illustrated with a frontispiece of "the destructive locust of Africa" and 6 copper engraved plates. Ten plates are called for on the title page and this copy is missing plate number 5 (the Arabic letter) and plate number 10 (the map). It is quite probable that these missing plates are a result of a binder's error as there is no evidence of missing pages and the same appears to be a common problem with other Hartford printings of this title that I have examined. The original edition was self-published in 1817 and was reprinted a number of times by several publishers. (Sabin, 71397 which does not mention this the 1847 printing.)
    TB33078  $275.00

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    Roberts, Kenneth:  Oliver Wiswell (Limited Edition).  New York: Doubleday, Doran Co., 1940. First Edition, Limited Edition. Both volumes of this two volume set are in near fine condition specially bound in full, red leather covered boards with five raised bands on each spine with gilt text in two of the compartments and gilt tooling in the others. The top edge of the text blocks are gilt, the end sheets are marbled paper and the leather turn-ins are decorated with gilt dentelles. This binding was most probably ordered by Roberts to be gifted to his friend, Doubleday, Doran publishing executive, Malcolm Johnson, who's name is listed in the collection of names who provided "generous assistance" in the creation and publication of this title. Both volumes are small quartos of 9 1/4 by 6 1/4 inches. There is a faint dampness stain to the extreme lower, inside edge to the first 70 pages of volume I. That stain does not impact on any of the text as it is limited to the lower margin. The lower quarter of the front joint to volume I shows a slight weakness. The hinges and joints for both volumes are otherwise fine. The trade version of this set was sold with glassine jackets and a paper covered slipcase. It is doubtful that a slipcase was made for this specially bound set. The binding was produced by The French Binders of Garden City, New York as evidenced by their gilt stamp on the front paste downs. This set is signed by Roberts and numbered 182 out of only 1,050 copies printed and sold. Volume I contains 411 pages of text and illustrated with a frontispiece portrait by Grant Wood and two, double page maps. Volume II contains pages 415 to 849 including a bibliography and text and is illustrated with two, two page maps. This title was a best selling novel for Roberts. It provides an insightful look at the American Revolution from a Loyalist's point-of-view. After reading it one is astounded that the war was even won by the American forces.
    TB33418  $350.00

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    Roberts, Kenneth:  March To Quebec.  Garden City: Doubleday Doran & Co., 1938. First Edition, First printing. Fine in redish cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine with map fixed end sheets. As is so typical with this title, the front and rear hinge areas show modest tanning due to a reaction with the glue used in binding. A small octavo measuring 7 7/8 by 5 1/2 inches. In a very good+ unclipped dust jacket with three shallow chips at the upper edge of the spine area and four very small chips at the fore corners of the panels over the tips of the boards. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. 657 pages including an index and text. Following the writing of Arundel, Roberts compiled the journals of the members of Arnold's expedition to attack Quebec through the wilds of what is now the Maine woods north into Canada in the dead of winter. An extremely handsome and very collectible copy with no prior owner's markings, dates or book plates.
    TB30793  $195.00

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    Rowlling, J. K.:  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets .  New York: Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/2 green cloth and quilted, purple paper covered boards with gilt text stamped on the spine. A small quarto of 9 by 6 inches with plain red end sheets. In a fine acetate protected dust jacket with the $17.95 price on the front flap of the jacket. The second volume in the extremely popular Harry Potter series. 341 pages of text with illustrations by Mary Grandpre. A first issue copy without the number "2" on the spine of the book or spine area of the jacket.
    TB32998  $200.00

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    Sartre, Jean-Paul:  Five Plays.  Franklin Center: The Franklin Library, 1978. Signed Limited Edition. Fine in full bright red leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and tool work in the compartments with elaborate gilt tooling on both the front and rear boards. The end sheets are silk and there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All edges of the text block are gilt. An octavo measuring 8 1/2" by 5 1/4" containing 484 pages of text and illustrated by Robert Borja. The leather over the spine is very slightly faded as are the outside edges of the end sheets. Signed by the author on the third free end paper. Included in this volume are Sartre's plays: No Exit, The Flies, Dirty Hands, The Respectful Prostitute, and The Condemned Of Altona. An extremely handsome, crisp and clean copy of a very scarce book with Sarte's valuable signature with no prior owner's names, dates, inscriptions or book plates.
    TB28538  $300.00

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    Schaefer, Vincent J. and John A. Day:  The Atmosphere.  Norwalk: The Easton Press, 1985. Collector's Edition. Fine in dark red textured leather covered boards with gilt text stamping on the front board and spine with a red silk place holder sewn-in at the top of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued. A special collector's Fiftieth Anniversary Edition. Illustrated with color photographic plates by the authors and line drawings by Christy E. Day. 359 pages including an index. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Roger Tory Peterson Field Guides.
    TB22929  $20.00

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    Scott, Sir Walter:  The Vision of Don Roderick, The Field of Waterloo, and Other Poems.  Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Company, 1815. Third Edition. Near fine in a recent full, burgundy leather binding with gilt text stamping and rules on the spine. An octavo measuring 8 1/4" by 5" with marbled edges to the text block which is clean, bright and completely free of foxing or tanning and without any prior owner's names, book plates or markings. Without a dust jacket as it most probably never had one. 264 pages of text. A collection of 26 poems. With page 159 misnumbered as called for in William B. Todd's and Ann Bowden's extensive bibliography of Sir Walter Scott A Bibliographical History. (Todd, 59Ai) A beautifully bound copy of a fine Edinburgh edition of Scotland's most famous bard.
    TB24168  $140.00

  • Settle, Mary Lee:  Charley Bland.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Library, 1989. Signed First Edition. Fine in full dark green leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are marbled with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. An octavo measuring 8 5/8" tall by 5 3/4" deep containing 207 pages of text. Signed by the author on the specially tipped-in second free end page. Illustrated with black and white drawings by Leslie W. Bowman. One of The Franklin Library's volumes in their collection for the Signed First Edition Society. A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates. Laid-in is a two page letter on heavy stock from the publisher describing the author and this title.
    TB21296  $45.00

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    Shaw, George Bernard:  Two Plays For Puritans.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1979. Collector's Edition. Fine in full bright red leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. A quarto measuring 11 3/16" tall by 6 1/2" deep containing 215 pages of text. Two plays by George Bernard Shaw titled: The Devil's Disciple and Caesar and Cleopatra. Illustrated with drawings by George Him. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written. With a prior owner's book plate on the verso of the first free end page; otherwise, a beautiful, tight, clean copy with no dates, notations or inscriptions.
    TB22799  $60.00

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    Shaw, Irwin:  Bread Upon The Waters.  New York: Delacorte Press, (1981). Signed Limited Edtion. Fine in full dark blue leather covered boards with bright gilt text stamping on the spine, a gilt rule on both boards and a gilt facsimile of the author's signature on the front board and with marbled end sheets with all edges of the text block gilt. An octavo measuring 9" by 6". Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is contained within a fine dark blue leather covered slip case with the author's facsimile signature on one panel. One of only 500 limited edition copies signed by the author on the second free end page with this copy identified as number 66. 438 pages of text. An extremely handsome, tight, clean and unread copy with no prior owner marks, notations or book plates.
    TB25076  $40.00

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    Shore, W. Teignmouth (Editor):  The Baccarat Case: Gordon-Cumming v. Wilson and Others.  New York: Gryphon Editions, 1992. Special Edition. Fine in 1/2 dark red leather and decorated red cloth covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations in the compartments, gilt decorations stamped on the front and rear boards, marbled end sheets and with a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. The three edges of the text block are gilt. With the book plate of a prior owner affixed to a rear end page. Without a dust jacket as issued. An octavo measuring 8 1/4" high by 5 1/4" deep. One of the volumes in The Notable Trials Library. 294 pages of text representing a facsimile reprint of the first edition of 1932 published by William Hodge & Company. A tight, clean and crisp copy.
    TB22932  $30.00

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    Silverberg, Robert:  Dying Inside.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1991. Collector's Edition. Fine in full bright red leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both covers. An octavo measuring 8 1/4" by 5 1/2". The end sheets are printed paper with a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. Containing 245 pages of text. With the publisher's two page collector's notes laid-in. With artwork by Frank Kelly Freas and with an introduction by Richard D. Erlich. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of The Masterpieces of Science Fiction. A very handsome, tight, clean copy with no prior owner's names, dates, notations or book plates.
    TB25938  $50.00

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    Skues, G. E. M.:  Minor Tactics Of The Chalk Stream And Kindred Studies.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1996). Collector's Edition. Fine in medium brown leather covered boards with gilt text and decorations in five compartments on the spine and gilt borders and tool work on the boards. The edges of the text block are gilt and the end sheets are silk with a placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. A small quarto measuring 9 5/8 by 5 3/4 inches. The book is still contained within the publisher's original shrink wrap. One of the volumes in the Easton Press Library of Fly-Fishing Classics. Edited with a special new introduction by John McDonald. Illustrated with a color frontispiece. 133 pages of text. This title is no longer published and sold by The Easton Press. An unread and un-opened copy in perfect condition.
    TB32505  $65.00

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    Sofarelli, Michael:  Letters On The Wall Offerings and Remembrances from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books and bound by The Easton Press, 2006. Limited Edition. Fine in full, dark blue leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations in the compartments and with gilt text and borders on the front board. A small quarto measuring 9 1/2" by 7 3/4" with silk end sheets and a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the top of the spine. All edges of the text block are gilt. [200] pages of text and full color photographs of letters and offerings left at the "Wall". A special, limited edition bound in full leather by The Easton Press.
    TB23973  $125.00

  • Spock, Benjamin, and Mary Morgan:  Spock On Spock.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Library, 1989. Signed First Edition. Near fine in full black leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are marbled with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Unfortunately, the rough removal of what was probably a book plate on the front pasted end sheet resulted in an unsightly tear across the middle of that marbled paper. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. A small quarto measuring - tall by - deep containing - pages of text Signed by the authors on the specially tipped-in second free end page. One of The Franklin Library's volumes in their collection for the Signed First Edition Society A tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB28737  $25.00

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    Stark, Freya:  The Valleys Of The Assassins and Other Persian Travels.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1992). Collector's Edition. Fine in full dark brown leather covered boards with five compartments on the spine with gilt text and decorations. All edges of the text block are gilt. The end sheets are of silk and there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. An octavo of 8 1/4 by 5 1/2 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. Containing 365 pages of text including an index. Illustrated with a frontispiece drawings and maps. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Library of Travel Classics which is no longer published and sold by The Easton Press. A very handsome, tight, clean copy with no prior owner's names, dates, notations or book plates.
    TB29295  $85.00

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    Stegner, Wallace:  The Big Rock Candy Mountain.  Franklin Center: Franklin Library, 1978. Signed Limited Edition. Near fine in full light brown leather covered boards with extensive gilt decorations on the front and rear boards, four raised bands on the spine with gilt text stamping, decorations and ruled borders in the compartments. The end papers are silk, there is a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine and the edges of the text block are in gilt. There are two minor scuff marks at the upper edge of the spine one of which mars the gilt border around the upper most title block. Signed by the author on the fourth free end paper. Laid-in at the front of the book is a small brochure describing the book. Stegner states in the forward to the book that it was "The first of my books to acheieve wide recognition, The Big Rock Candy Mountain,was an attempt to capture in the experiences of a single family the social and psychological consequences of the ending of the f rontier and the pinching out of the American Dream. Of all my novels, it is the most deeply rooted in history and sociology." A novel of the pursuit of the American Dream by a family at the turn-of-the-century in the Pacific Northwest. 733 pages of text with illustrations by Charles Reid.
    TB19421  $125.00

  • Stegner, Wallace:  Recapitulation.  Franklin Center: The Franklin Library, 1979. First Edition. Near fine in full, red leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine, gilt text and tool work in the compartments, the edges of the text block are gilt and there are silk end sheets with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the top of the spine. An octavo measuring 8 3/4" by 5 3/4" with a 2" tea stain on page 248 and a faint scratch of 1" long to the spine area. Without a dust jacket as issued. The true first edition. 335 pages of text illustrated by Walter Rane. One of the volumes in the Franklin Library's collection of The First Edition Society. A tight clean and collectible copy with no prior owner's marks or book plates.
    TB01313  $40.00

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    Steinbeck, John:  Of Mice And Men.  New York: Covici Friede Publishers, 1937. First edition, second state.. Very good+ in its original binding of tan cloth covered boards with a near completely faded text block on the spine and the title and author's name on the front board. A 12mo of 7 3/8 by 4 5/8 inches with light soiling to the boards and the cloth on the spine is tanned. The contents are clean and tight with no prior ownership markings. The hinges and joints are tight. Without its issued dust jacket. This is the second state of the first edition with the appropriate points therein. 186 pages of text. One of Steinbeck's most memorable, award winning books.
    TB32165  $250.00

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    Steinbeck, John:  The Grapes of Wrath.  Franklin Center: Franklin Library, 1975. Limited Franklin Library Edition. Fine in full decorated light brown leather covered boards with gilt text and decorations between four raised bands on the spine and with gilt tool work on the front and rear boards. The edges of the text block are gilt and the end papers are silk Sewn into the head of the spine is a silk placement ribbon. 589 pages of text with illustrations by Robert Heindel. Accompanied with the Notes From The Editor of 22 pages. Steinbeck won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction with this title in 1940. A tight, clean and handsome copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32176  $85.00

  • Sterne, Laurence:  The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1980. Collector's Edition. Fine in full brown leather covered boards with gilt text and decorations stamped between four raised bands on the spine and with gilt decorations on the boards. The end papers are of silk and the edges of the text block are in gilt. A silk placement ribbon is sewn-in at the head of the spine. A small quarto measuring 10 1/2" tall by 7 1/4" deep overall with 444 pages of text and with illustrations by T. M. Cleland. With an introduction by Christopher Morley.
    TB18012  $60.00

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    Stowe, Harriet Beecher:  Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly.  Norwalk: The Easton Press, 1979. Easton Press Collector's Edt.. Fine in highly gilt decorated full gray leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text stamping and gilt decorations in the compartments. The end papers are of silk and there is a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. The edges of the text block are in gilt. Without a dust jacket as issued. A small quarto measuring 10" by 6 3/4" containing 295 pages of text and illustrated with lithographs by Miguel Covarrubias. A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB30762  $65.00

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    Swanberg, W. A.:  Citizen Hearst A Biography of William Randolph Hearst.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1988. Collector's Edition. Fine in full black leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and tool work stamped in the compartments with gilt borders stamped on the boards. The edges of the text block are gilt and there is a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4" by 6" containing 555 pages including an index, appendix and text. Laid-in is the publisher's brochure outlining the contents of this volume. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Library of American History series. A bright, clean and crisp copy with no prior owner's marks, names, dates or book plates.
    TB25945  $75.00

  • Swift, Jonathan:  Gulliver's Travels.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Press, 1974. A Limited Edition. Near fine in full light brown leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are gilt. An octavo measuring 8 3/4" tall by 5 5/8" deep. The leather at the corners of the spine is slightly scuffed; but, has been professionally restored. 343 pages of text and illustrated Charles Edmund Brock. One of the volumes in The Franklin Press' collection of The 100 Greatest Books of All Time. A tight, clean and crisp copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB23519  $65.00

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    Terry, Marian Dickenson (Editor):  Old Inns of Connecticut.  Hartford: The Prospect Press, 1937. First Edition. Near fine in 1/2 leather and dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text and borders stamped on the spine and gilt borders on the boards at the edge of the leather. The end sheets are maps of the state showing the locations of most of the colonial inns mentioned in the book. A small quarto measuring 11" by 8" with some scuffing to the cloth on the front cover. Without a dust jacket as issued and lacking its paper covered slip case. One of only one thousand copies printed with this copy identified as number 545 on the last page of text. 253 pages to include a bibliography, an index, photographic plates of old inn signs and text. Illustrated throughout with many line drawings by J. Frederick Kelly and black and white photographs. (Not listed in Roos. Listed in Colliers' The Literature of Connecticut History, p. 267 "A beautifully illustrated volume, with much interesting material about early highway travel."
    TB29787  $75.00

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    Thackeray, W. M.:  Lovel The Widower.  London: Smith, Elder And Co., 1861. First Edition. Near fine in 3/4 red leather and red cloth covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt text and gilt decorations in the compartments. A small octavo of 7 5/8 by 4 3/4 inches with the leather worn through over the upper rear tip of the board and light rubbing to the leather at the head and heel of the spine and lower tips of the boards. Without a dust jacket. 258 pages of text followed by 16 pages of publisher's ads. Illustrated with a frontispiece, four plates each with a tissue guard and six vignettes within the text. The original cloth from one of the boards and the back strap with its gilt text is bound in at the rear of the book.
    TB30375  $150.00

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    Theroux, Paul:  The Great Railway Bazaar.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1992). Collector's Edition. Fine in full black leather covered boards with four compartments on the spine with gilt text and decorations. All edges of the text block are gilt. The end sheets are of silk and there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. An octavo of 8 3/8 by 5 1/2 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. Containing 342 pages of text. Illustrated with a frontispiece drawing. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Library of Travel Classics which is no longer published and sold by The Easton Press. A very handsome, tight, clean copy with no prior owner's names, dates, notations or book plates.
    TB29288  $75.00

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    Thoreau, Henry David:  Walden or Life In The Woods.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Press, 1976. A Limited Edition. Fine in full dark green leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. An octavo measuring 8 1/2 by 5 3/4 inches with a blind embossed prior owner's seal on the fly title page. 408 pages of text. Illustrated with drawings by Ronald Keller. One of the volumes in The Franklin Press' collection of The 100 Greatest Books of All Time. A very fine, tight, clean and crisp copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB31780  $75.00

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    Thoreau, Henry David:  A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1981. Collector's Edition. Fine in full dark green leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. A small quarto measuring 9 3/4" by 6 3/8" containing 327 pages of text. Illustrated with drawings by R. J. Holden. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Masterpieces of American Literature. A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB28288  $60.00

  • Tilden, James W. and Arthur Clayton Smith:  Western Butterflies.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1986. Collector's Edition. Fine in full dark brown leather covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board, with all edges of the text block gilt and a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Roger Tory Peterson Field Guides. A 12mo measuring 7 1/4" by 4 1/2" containing 370 pages including an index. Illustrated with drawings by Gene Christman and Barbara Young and with photographs by Terry M. Smith and Arthur Clayton Smith. A tight, clean and handsome copy with no prior owner's markings or book plates.
    TB25624  $20.00

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    Trevelyan, George Otto:  The Early History Of Charles James Fox.  London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1880. First Edition. Very good- in 3/4 leather (calf) and marbled paper covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt text on a red leather label and gilt decorations in the compartments. The edges of the leather on the boards is decorated with blind embossing and the end sheets match the marbled paper on the boards. The edges of the text block are marbled. An octavo measuring 8 1/2" by 5 1/4" with a 1/4" chip from the leather at the head of the spine and the leather is worn through at the tips of the boards. The previously weak front joint and front hinge have been professionally repaired. 545 pages including an index.
    TB27063  $50.00

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    Truman, Margaret:  Harry S. Truman.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, . Collector's Edition. Fine in full dark blue leather covered boards with two raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are gilt. A small quarto measuring 9" tall by 6" deep containing 602 pages including an index and text. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of The Library Of The Presidents series. A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no dates or inscriptions and no prior owner's book plates. on the fly title page.
    TB22892  $60.00

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    Tutu, Desmond:  No Future Without Foregiveness.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1999). Collector's Edition. Fine in full, brown leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and gilt tool work in the compartments. All edges of the text block are gilt, the end sheets are silk and there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. An octavo of 8 1/4 by 5 3/8 inches. The book remains in the publisher's original shrink wrap as well in the publisher's shipping box. Signed by the author on the limitation page at the front of the book.
    TB31615  $200.00

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    Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]:  The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County And Other Sketches.  n.p.: Westvaco, West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, 1959. Limited Edition. Fine in 1/4 dark green leather and decorated yellow paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine and illustrated end sheets. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4" by 5 3/4" with tiny nicks to the color of of the leather at the corners of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued; but, contained within its very good+, slightly soiled paper covered slip case. This was the WESTVACO Christmas release of 1959 which was the second volume in their annual American Classic series which was published each year until 2007. A collection of thirteen "essays" by an admirable author with an opinion. 119 pages of text illustrated with a steel engraving frontispiece of Twain with small engravings within the text throughout. This volume was published in a limited quantity and is now exceptionally uncommon.
    TB33485  $175.00

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    Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]:  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  Westport, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1975. Collector's Edition. Fine in full light brown leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. An octavo measuring 8 1/2" by 5 1/2" containing 320 pages of text. Illustrated with a color frontispiece of Twain by Richard Loehle and 17 ink and watercolor wash drawings by Karl Stuecklen. This is one of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of The Greatest Books Ever Written. A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no names, dates or notations. A blank Easton Press book plate is affixed to the front paste down ready to take the name of its next owner.
    TB26054  $75.00

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    Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]:  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's Companion).  Norwalk Conn.: The Easton Press, 1981. Collector's Edition. Fine in full brown leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. An small quarto measuring 9 1/8" by 6" containing 396 pages of text. With illustrations by Thomas Hart Benton and with an introduction by Bernard DeVoto. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written. A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB26572  $75.00

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    Twain [Samuel L. Clemens], Mark:  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Library, 1977. Limited Edition. Fine in full, highly gilt decorated red leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt tool wok and text in the compartments and with gilt decorations and borders on both front and rear boards. The edges of the text block are gilt. The end sheets are silk and there is a matching placement ribbon sewn in at the head of the spine. A small quarto of 9 by 6 inches. 265 pages of text with illustrations by Tom Allen. One of the volumes in The Franklin Press' collection of The 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature. An exquisite copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32558  $75.00

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    Tytler, Patrick Fraser:  Historical View of the Progress of Discovery of the More Northern Coasts of America, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time.  Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1832. First Edition, First printing. Good in full burgundy leather covered boards with four gilt decorated raised bands on the spine with gilt designs on the front and rear boards and all edges of the text block in gilt. The front joint is cracked but the front hinge keeps the front board in place . There is a 1/3" deep chip at the head of the spine and the leather is rubbed through at the tips of the boards. The rear hinge and joints are cracked but have not separated. A 16mo measuring 6 3/4" high by 4 1/4" deep overall. 444 pages illustrated with a fold-out map of the northern shores of North America as the frontispiece and with nine steel engravings by Jackson.
    TB18304  $75.00

  • Updike, John:  Rabbit, Run.  Franklin Center: The Franklin Library, 1977. Signed Limited Edition. Fine in gilt decorated bright red leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine and gilt edges to the text block with a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the top of the spine. Signed by the author on the third free end paper. Laid-in at the front of the book is the publisher's 22 page notes from the editors. One of the volumes in The Franklin Library's collection of signed limited books. Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney. 342 pages of text and illustrations. A bright clean copy with no prior owner's marks, names, dates or book plates.
    TB23899  $85.00

  • Van Den Brink, F. H. :  Mammals of Britain and Europe.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1986. Limited Edition. Fine in full dark brown leather covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board, with all edges of the text block gilt and a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Roger Tory Peterson Field Guides. A 12mo measuring 7 1/4" by 4 1/2" ontaining 221 pages including an index. Extensively illustrated Paul Barruel.
    TB25632  $20.00

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    Verlaine, Paul:  Epigrammes.  Paris: Bibliotheque Artistique & Liettereaire, 1894. First Edition. Very near fine in 3/4 dark brown leather and marbled paper covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt text and tool work in the compartments and gilt double rules at the edges of the leather on the boards. The top edge of the text block is gilt and the end sheets are marbled paper. The joints and hinges are tight and strong and the contents are free of foxing, but do show some age toning. A thin 12mo of 7 3/8 by 5 1/2 inches with light rubbing and scuffing to the fore edge of the leather on the lower edge of the front board and with a prior owner's name and address on the second free end page. 76 pages followed by a two page index. Illustrated with a frontispiece from art by F. A. Cazals. Printed entirely in French.
    TB31501  $250.00

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    [Vizetelly, Henry]:  Christmas With The Poets: A Collection Of Songs, Carols, and Descriptive Verses, Relating To The Festival Of Christmas.  London: David Bogue, 1851. First Edition. Near fine in its original Victorian full dark brown leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with black stamped rules and gilt text in the compartments and elaborate black stamped embossing on the boards. A small quarto of 9 1/4 by 6 1/4 inches with the edges of the text block gilt and with gilt dentelles on the leather turn-ins.and marbled end sheets. Missing from the book is the engraved title page as it appears to have not been bound-in to begin with. The contents are tightly bound-in and the entire text is extremely neat and clean without any prior owenship markings. 187 pages each decorated with a gold border around the print. This is a major anthology of Christmas songs and poems that begins with Anglo-Norman songs and ends with contemporary poets, with full explanatory notes of each piece, providing their histories and textual source all in context of evolving Christmas customs at different periods. This title includes works by Shakespeare, Jonson, Wither, Thorn, Cowper, Scott, Shelley, Wordsowrth, Thackeray and Tennyson. The engraved plates and vignettes are from illustrations by Birket Foster which were engraved by Vizetelly. Many of the plates and vignettes are tinted. Very scarce title in first edition in a beautiful example of a Victorian full leather binding.
    TB31613  $400.00

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    Wallace, Lew:  Ben-Hur A Tale Of The Christ.  New York: Harper & Brothers, c1880. Early reprint (circa 1884). Very good+ in dark blue cloth over beveled boards with gilt text on the spine. A 16mo of 6 5/8 by 4 5/8 inches with light wear and rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and the cloth worn through over the lower fore corners of the boards. There is an early prior owner's name on the first free end page. 552 pages of text followed by 12 pages of ads by the publisher. This version of the title contains the four line dedication (BAL 20798; Grolier/American 100, 82; Wright III:5720)
    TB30074  $50.00

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    Walton, Isaak, and Charles Cotton:  The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation.  Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1889. Limited Edition. Both volumes of the this two volume set are in near fine condition in 3/4 light brown morocco and marbled paper covered boards with five raised bands on the spines with gilt tool work and gilt text in the six compartments. The end sheets are of a matching marbled paper. One of only 500 copies printed with this copy identified as number 5 on the copyright page. With an introduction by James Russell Lowell. Illustrated with two frontispiece portraits of the authors and etchings throughout by Halrow, Absalon and Inskipp as well as vignette engravings within the texts. 455 pages followed by an index. An extremely beautiful set with no prior ownership markings or book plates.
    TB28545  $400.00

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    Walton, Izaak, and Charles Cotton:  The Compleat Angler.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1996. Collector's Edition. Fine in medium brown leather covered boards with gilt text and decorations in six compartments on the spine and gilt borders and tool work on the boards. A small quarto measuring 9 7/8 by 6 1/2 inches. The edges of the text block are gilt and the end sheets are silk with a placement ribbon sewn- in at the head of the spine. One of the volumes in the Easton Press Library of Fly-Fishing Classics. This copy remains contained within the publisher's original shrink wrap. Illustrated by Douglas W. Gorsline and with an introduction by James Russell Lowell. 316 pages including an index. This title is no longer published and sold by The Easton Press. A bright, clean and crisp copy with no prior owner's plates, names, dates or notations.
    TB33036  $80.00

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    Webb, Walter Prescott:  The Texas Rangers A Century of Frontier Defense.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1935. First Limited Edition. An ex-library copy in near fine condition in 1/4, light brown morocco leather with tan covered boards with a dark blue leather title label stamped with gilt text on the spine. The top edge of the text block is gilt. A small quarto of 9 3/8 by 6 1/4 inches with very light rubbing to the leather at the head of the spine. The book plate of Jean Hersholt is on the front paste down. (Hersholt was an early Hollywood star his most famous role being in the 1937 film version of Heidi.) The title page is stamped with a library name at the lower margin and the dedication page shows a five digit number and there is the ghost of something removed from the rear paste down. Those are the only library marks in this copy. It does not have a dust jacket as issued; however, it is contained within a new replacement, black. cloth covered slipcase with the original, printed paper title label laid down on its spine with the handwritten number "30". This is one of the 205 signed by the author and numbered limited edition copies. This copy is identified as number 30 on the limitation page. 583 numbered pages including an index, text and illustrated from drawings by Lonnie Rees and with images from black and white photographs. First trade editions of this title in collectible condition are considered quite scarce. Signed, limited editions even more so. Ramon F. Adams in his bibliography Six-Guns and Saddle Leather referred to this title as: "The most thorough work to date on the Rangers." (Adams, 6-Guns 2333, Howes, W195) Laid-in at the front of the book is a book review from the New York Herald Tribune written by Henry Steele Commager.
    TB32210  $1600.00

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    Weinberger, D.D.S, Bernard Wolf:  An Introduction to The History of Dentistry and An Introduction to The History of Dentistry in America.  Birmingham: Classics of Dentistry Library, 1981. Collector's Edition. Both volumes of this two volume set are in fine condition in full black leather covered boards with extensive gilt decorations on the front and rear boards with four raised bands on the spines with gilt text stamping and gilt decorations in the compartments. The end papers are marbled paper, there is a silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spines and edges of the text blocks are gilt. The first volume covers the general history of dentistry to 1800. The second volume deals exclusively with the history of dentistry in America. Both volumes are small quartos measuring 10" tall by 7' deep overall. Volume I contains 514 pages including an index and volume II contains 408 pages including an index. Originally published in St. Louis by C. V. Mosby Company in 1948. This reprinting is an exact facsimile copy of a first edition presented in a beautiful full, black leather bindings.
    TB18067  $90.00

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    Whymper, Edward:  The Ascent Of The Matterhorn.  London: John Murray, 1880. First Edition. Very good+ in its original, full, black leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt text in one compartment and gilt tool work in the other five compartments and blind embossing around the edges of the front and rear boards and the front board has a gilt emblem in its center. The turn-ins are decorated with gilt dentelles and the end sheets are yellow. An octavo of 8 3/8 by 6 inches with all edges of the text block gilt. The front hinge is cracked. The preliminaries and end pages show spots of foxing. 325 pages followed by two fold-out maps. Illustrated with a frontispiece from an engraving, 15 plates and 91 vignettes throughout from line drawings. The author relates his participation in a team who were the first to climb the Matterhorn in 1865.
    TB32291  $280.00

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    Wiesel, Elie:  The Fifth Son.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Library, 1985. Signed First Edition. Fine in full dark blue leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are marbled with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. A octavo measuring 8 3/4" by 5 1/2" containing 210 pages of text. Signed by the author on the specially tipped-in second free end page. Translated from the French by Marion Wiesel. One of The Franklin Library's volumes in their collection for the Signed First Edition Society A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations; however, there is a prior owner's blind, embossed seal on the title page.
    TB32065  $40.00

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    Wilder, Thornton:  The Bridge of San Luis Rey.  Franklin Center: The Franklin Library, 1976. Limited Edition by The Franklin Library. Fine in highly decorated dark brown leather covered boards with gilt text and dark green and gilt decorations stamped between the five raised bands on the spine with gilt and dark green tool work on both boards, gilt edging to the text block and with a sewn-in silk placement ribbon. The corners of the spine and of the boards show a tiny amount of rubbing. Without a dust jacket as issued. A Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction in 1928. 148 pages of text with full color illustrations by William Maughan. With no names, dates, notations or book plates.
    TB30673  $60.00

  • Wiley, Frank W.:  Montana and the Sky.  Minneapolis: Montana Aeronautics, 1966. First Edition. Near fine with the leather covered spine showing rubbing at the ends and small nicks in heavy cloth covered boards & gilt wings on front. Without a dust jacket; however, in a near fine slip case. Signed and numbered 155 out of only 250 copies printed on a laid-in page. 343 page with index and endpapers made of aeronautical maps of the Great Falls and Helena area. Subtitled: "The beginning of Aviation in the Land of the Shining Mountains."
    TB05799  $145.00

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    Williams, John Alden (Editor):  Islam.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1994). Collector's Edition. Fine in full, black leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and gilt decorations within the compartments and with gilt tool work on the front and rear boards. The end sheets are silk, there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn in at the head of the spine. The edges of the text block are gilt. An octavo of 8 5/8 by 5 3/4 inches. 256 pages including an index, notes and references and text. A bright, clean and tight copy with absolutely no prior owner ship markings of any kind.
    TB29364  $50.00

  • Williams, Ben Ames:  The Happy End.  Lyon, Mississippi: The Derrydale Press, 1991. Limited Edition of 1991. Fine in dark blue bonded leather covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and with a gilt decoration on the front board with all edges of the text block gilt. Without a dust jacket as issued. A collection of nine short stories about hunting and fishing with a forward by Kenneth Roberts. One of only 2,500 copies printed. The original edition was published in 1939 in a printing of only 1,250 copies. With illustrations by Churchill Ettinger. 240 pages.
    TB20481  $20.00

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    Wouk, Herman:  The Caine Mutiny.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Library, 1977. Signed Limited Edition. Fine in full red-brown leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations in the compartments. Both the front and rear boards are decorated with gilt tool work and borders. The end sheets are silk, there is a matching placement ribbon sewn in at the head of the spine and all edges of the text block are gilt . Without a dust jacket as issued. Signed by the author on the third free end page. Laid-in at the front of the book is the publisher's 22 page "notes from the editors". 544 pages of text illustrated with a two-page, color frontispiece. The author's third novel and one which was a major best seller and formed the basis of the movie of the same name. A very handsome and clean copy with no prior owner's names, dates or book plates.
    TB26659  $130.00

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    Wulff, Lee:  The Atlantic Salmon.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1997. Collector's Edition. Fine in full, blue-gray leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt tool work and gilt text in the compartments with gilt borders and gilt designs of a salmon on the boards. The end sheets are silk and there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All edges of the text block are gilt. A small quarto measuring 10 3/4" by 8 1/4" containing 280 pages of text including an index. This copy is still contained within the publisher's original shrink wrap. One of the volumes in the Easton Press Library of Fly-Fishing Classics. Illustrated from black and white photographs and line drawings throughout with one section of color plates from photographs. An extremely handsome copy with no names, dates, notations or prior owner's book plates. A title which is no longer printed and sold by The Easton Press.
    TB33054  $90.00

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    Young, Stanley P. and Edward A. Goldman:  The Wolves of North America.  Washington, DC: The American Wildlife Institute, 1944. First Edition, Limited Edition. Very good+ in the uncommon, 3/4 bison leather and olive green cloth covered boards with gilt text and decorations on the spine and with a gilt image of a wolf's head on the front board. The front and rear end sheets have applied to them one page biographies of the two authors. An octavo measuring 9" by 6". The leather at the head and heel of the spine is rubbed and worn. The front joint was separated from the backstrip, but has been professionally reinforced to join the backstrip with the front board. The front hinge remains intact. The rear joint and hinge remains tight and strong. Without a dust jacket and probably as issued. A limited, presentation copy, one of only 102 copies so produced. The fly title page which is signed, inscribed and dated 1949 by the author to his good friend Dr. Bill Morgan (who was an author and linguist). In his long inscription the author notes that the binding for this particular volume is "buffalo hide" and he mentions the limitation which is not indicated elsewhere in the book. 636 pages including an index, a section of black and white photographs of skulls of North American Wolves, bibliography and text. Illustrated with maps and black and white photographs. Illustrated with a color frontispiece and 131 plates in total from black and white photographs. An extremely unusual and uncommon copy.
    TB24522  $350.00

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    Zebrowski, George:  Macrolife.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1990. Collector's Edition. Fine in full light brown leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. An octavo measuring 9" by 6" deep containing 279 pages of text. Signed by the author on the second free end page and laid-in is the two page notes from the publisher. Illustrated with drawings by Rick Sternbach and with an introduction by Ian Watson. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of Masterpieces of Science Fiction. A very handsome, tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB27353  $65.00

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    Zollikofer, G. J. [George Joachim]:  Exercises of Piety: or, Mediations On The Principal Doctrines And Duties Of Religion For The Use Of Enlightened And Virtuous Christians.  Worcester, Mass.: Isaiah Thomas, Jun., 1803. First Edition. Very good+ in light brown, full leather covered boards with gilt text on a black leather spine label and with four gilt rules on the spine. A 16mo measuring 6 5/8 by 4 1/16 inches with the leather over the heel of the spine chipped to a depth of 1/3 inch and with wear and rubbing to the leather at the tips of the boards. The joints are starting at the lower 1 1/2" of the spine. There is an early prior owner's name (Abigail Abbot) on the front paste down and the first few pages of the preliminaries have a dampness stain in the lower margins. 192 pages of text followed by an eight page subscription proposal by the publisher for another title by Zollikofer.
    TB29052  $100.00

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