Books by Q Authors
Arranged alphabetically by author.

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    Quaife, Milo Milton:  Pictures of Illinois One Hundred Years Ago.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1918. First thus. Fine in green cloth covered boards with gilt decorations and with a gilt top edge to the text block. The gilt text stamping on the spine is extremely bright and clean on both the spine and on the front board. The 16th volume in the Lakeside Classic series which was released at Christmastime in 1917. The book is protected by a clear mylar cover. It provides three eye-witness accounts of the early history of Illinois. 186 pages including an index, appendix, text and illustrated with a frontispiece engraving. A beautiful, tight and clean copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB33538  $250.00

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    Quaife, Milo Milton:  The Indian Captivity of O. M. Spencer.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1917. First thus. Near fine in green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine, a gilt top edge to the text block and gilt borders and publisher's logo on the front board. The gilt on the spine remains quite bright and free of tarnish. There is only a hint of rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine. The Lakeside Classic release of 1917 edited by Milo Milton Quaife. With a tipped-in fold-out map after page 66 of the area which is now the state of Ohio. That map is in perfect condition. The second free end page is signed "With the complements of Thomas E. Donnelley". 188 pages with index, text, map and a frontispiece illustration of Fort Washington. A very handsome, clean and tight copy without any prior ownership markings.
    TB33535  $225.00

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    Quaife, Milo Milton:  The Southwestern Expedition of Zebulon M. Pike.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1925. First thus. Near fine in green cloth covered boards with clean and bright gilt decorations on the front board and the text on the spine is only very slightly tarnished. The cloth at the corners of the spine are lightly rubbed. The fold-out map is in place before page 3 and is in fine condition. The 23rd volume in the Lakeside Classic series for 1925. First published in 1810 by C. & A. Conrad & Co of Philadelphia. Zebulon Pike's narration of the expedition he lead through the southwestern parts of the Louisiana Purchase in 1806-1807. A very bright, tight and clean copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32544  $150.00

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    Quaife, Milo Milton:  John Long's Voyages and Travels in the Years 1768-1788.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1922. First thus. Very good+ in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt borders on the front board, gilt text on the spine and a gilt top edge to the text block with rubbing and wear to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine. The gilt text on the spine is very slightly tarnished, but still very readable. The Lakeside Classic release of 1922. The fold-out map is in place and in fine condition. Originally published in London in 1791 this volume reprints the narratives of Long who spend many years in his youth living with Indians. His journals describe his adventures traveling through Canada and the Great Lakes region.
    TB33534  $90.00

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    Quaife, Milo M.:  Chicago's Highways Old and New From Indian Trail To Motor Road.  Chicago: D. F. Keller & Company, 1923. First Edition. Very good+ in navy blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and on the front board. A small quarto of 9 1/2 by 6 3/4 inches with light rubbing and wear to the cloth at the ends of the spine and with evidence of a plate of some kind removed from the front paste down. Without a dust jacket. 278 pages including an index. Illustrated with a frontispiece, maps and reproductions of earlier works of art and facsimiles of documents.
    TB30056  $75.00

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    Quaife, Milo M.:  The Kingdom of Saint James A Narrative of the Mormons.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 1930. First Edition. Very good+ in tan cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and with black text and blue decorations on the front board. An octavo of 9 by 6 1/8 inches with light rubbing and wear to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and a long dated gift inscription to the author, Milo Milton Quaife, on the first free end page. Without a dust jacket. The gift inscription noted above is signed by the 24 members of the "Algonuins" [Algonquin Club] to the author "who wrote this but does not own a copy." 284 pages including an index, appendix and text. Illustrated with a frontispiece portrait of James J Strang from a daguerreotype and eleven plates from photographs. The biography of James J. Strang and the eleventh work published by the Yale University Press on the Amasa Stone Mather Memorial Publication Fund.
    TB31713  $50.00

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    Quaife, Milo Milton:  Pictures of Gold Rush California.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1949. First thus. Fine in red cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and gilt decorations on the front board and with gilt to the top edge of the text block. The gilt text stamping on the spine is bright and untarnished. A Lakeside Classic issued in 1949. Laid-in at the front of the book is a Compliments of the Season card from Thomas E. Donnelley. A collection of contemporary accounts which highlight the perils of overland travel to the gold fields of California. 383 pages including and index. A clean, handsome and tight copy.
    TB33005  $50.00

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    Quaife, Milo Milton:  A True Picture of Emigration.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1936. First thus. Very good+ in decorated red cloth covered boards with a gilt top edge to the text block and gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board. The gilt text on the spine is slightly faded as is the cloth covering the spine. A Lakeside Classic release of 1936. With the fold-out map present following page 42 in fine condition. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. The book is protected by a clear mylar cover. Originally published anonymously in England in 1848 as a pamphlet, it describes the life of a woman and her family who left England in 1831 to settle in "the wilds of western Illinois."
    TB33524  $35.00

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    Quaife, Milo M. and edited by Joe L. Norris:  Forty-six Years: The Published Writings of Milo M. Quaife 1910-1955.  Detroit: Algonquin Club, 1956. First Edition. Fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and on the front board. An octavo of 8 1/2 by5 1/2 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. 49 pages of text. Illustrated with a frontispiece portrait of Quaife from a black and white photograph. All of this great historian's contributions are arranged in date order.
    TB31708  $30.00

  • Quammen, David:  The Song of the Dodo.  New York: Scribner, 1996. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 yellow cloth and yellow paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. In a fine jacket although with two minor, and extremely faint coffee splatters of 1/8" each. Sub-titled: Island Biogeography in an age of Extinctions. This Montana based writer has received two literary awards for his science essays in Outside magazine.
    TB07217  $35.00

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    Quincy, John, M.D.:  Pharmacopoeia Officinalis & Extemporanea: Or, A Compleat English Dispensatory, In Two Parts Theoretic and Practical.  London: T. Longman, 1749. Twelfth Edition. Fair condition in full, contemporary leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt borders on edge of the bands. A small octavo of 7 7/8 by 4 7/8 inches with the first free end page and title loose, but present and with the front board loose, but present and the rear board ready to part. The end pages are significantly marked up with a prior owner's name and notes in ink. Part I of Book One consists of 256 pages. Part II is in five books containing 504 pges including an index and both are followed by an unpaginated index of 16 leaves. A copy ready for rebinding.
    TB32083  $250.00

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    Quinn, William P.:  The Saltworks of Historic Cape Cod.  Orleans, Mass.: Parnassus Imprints, (1993). First Edition. Fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. A small quarto of 10 by 7 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 247 pages of text extensively illustrated with line drawings, images from black and white photographs, maps and reproductions of earlier works of art.
    TB31692  $12.00

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