Books by F Authors
Arranged alphabetically by author.

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  • Fabel, Robin F. A.:  Bombast and Broadsides The Lives of George Johnstone.  Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1987. First Edition, First printing. Fine in red cloth covered boards with black text on the spine. In a fine dust jacket. The biography of George Johnstone (1730-1787) who played major roles in the British Navy, the American Revolutlion, governor of Western Florida and in the East India Company. 249 pages including an index, bibliography, chapter notes and text.
    TB15472  $14.00

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    Fairfield County Republican Womens Association:  Connecticut 1635-1935 Ye Tercentenary Cook Book.  n.p.: Fairfield County Republican Women's Association, 1935. First Edition. Near fine in heavy, printed, paper over an adhesive binding. An octavo of 9 by 6 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. 103 pages of text of recipes followed by several pages of ads. A fine clean copy with no stains or prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB29963  $15.00

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    Fanning, Nathaniel:  Fanning's Narrative.  n.p. [Chicago]: LSC Communications, 2018. First Edition Thus. Fine in teal cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and gilt borders both boards and the Lakeside Classic logo on the front board at the top of which is "LSC Communications" the new publisher of the Lakeside Classic titles. The top edge of the text block is gilt. Without a dust jacket as issued. This copy is still contained within the publisher's shrink wrap. 346 pages including an index and text. Edited by Thomas Philbrick. Illustrated with a color frontispiece and plates from earlier works of art. Connecticut native, Thomas Fanning, provides this narrative of his life at sea during the American Revolution beginning in May of 1778 and ending with his return to New York in November of 1783 after the signing of the Treaty of Paris which brought the war to its final end. During his time at sea, Fanning served under John Paul Jones and experienced the battle with the HMS Serapis.
    TB33032  $65.00

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    Farmer, David:  Flannery O'Connor A Descriptive Bibliography.  New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1981. First Edition. Near fine in green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches with faint whitish speckling to the upper and lower edges of the front board. Without a dust jacket. 132 pages including an index. Illustrated from photographs of covers and dust jackets.
    TB31663  $60.00

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    Farnham, Thomas J.:  Fairfield the Biography of a Community 1639-1989.  West Kennebunk: Phoenix Publishing, 1988. First Edition, Limited Edition. Fine in 1/4 white linen and decorated green cloth covered boards with map end papers. A small quarto of 10 by 7 inches. In a near fine, unclipped (no price) dust jacket with light wear and rubbing to the ends of the spine area. One of only 2500 first edition copies with this copy out of series. 307 pages including an index, text, illustrations and maps all of which tell the story of one of New England's oldest towns: Fairfield, Connecticut.
    TB33101  $50.00

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    Farnham, Thomas J.:  Weston the Forging of a Connecticut Town.  Canaan, New Hampshire: Phoenix Publishing for the Weston Historical Society, 1979. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 black and red cloth covered boards with bold gilt text on the spine and illustrated end sheets. An octavo measuring 9" by 6" with a gift inscription on the fly title page. In a very near fine unclipped dust jacket with the spine area very slightly tanned. Signed and dated in the year of publication by the author on the title page. Subtitled: "The Forging of a Connecticut Town." 265 numbered pages including an index and text. Illustrated with sketches and black and white photographs of this quaint, upscale, town in Fairfield County.
    TB29090  $40.00

  • Farrell, Cliff:  The Mighty Land.  Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1975. First Edition. Near fine in 1/4 blue cloth and paper covered boards. In a very good dust jacket with modest wear to the spine ends and corners and with the front panel rubbed. A collection of 14 essays on various events and individuals of the old west which "sifts facts from folklore" by a widely read and respected Western novelist.
    TB06256  $25.00

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    Farrow, Anne:  The Logbooks Connecticut's Slave Ships And Human Memory.  Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, (2014). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 charcoal gray cloth and light gray paper covered boards with silver colored text on the spine. An octavo of 9 by 6 inches with purple end sheets. In a fine, unclipped (no price) dust jacket. Signed by the author on the fly title page. 187 pages including a reading guide, bibliography, chapter notes and text. From the rear panel of the dust jacket: "Three long-neglected logbooks from Connecticut's Slave trade raise questions about memory and collective forgetting"..
    TB33081  $45.00

  • Fast, Howard (Editor):  The Selected Work of Tom Paine.  New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, (1945). First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in faded black cloth covered boards with faded gilt text on the spine and a gilt eagle on the front board. A small octavo measuring 8" by 5 1/4". In a very good unclipped dust jacket with very light wear and slight flecking of the colors at the ends of the spine area. 338 pages of text. A collection of six of Tom Paine's essays to include Common Sense, The Crisis Papers, Rights of Man, The Age Of Reason, Letter to Washington and Tom Paine: An Estimate.
    TB24257  $15.00

  • Fast, Howard:  Citizen Tom Paine.  New York: Duell, Sloane & Pearce, 1943. Early reprint. Near fine in blue cloth covered boards. In a very good+ dust jacket with shallow 1/8" chipping at the ends of the spine area and around the edges of the front and rear panels. The author's sixth book which is an historical novel on the life of Tom Paine.
    TB12091  $10.00

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    Faulkner, William:  Absalom, Absalom!.  New York: Random House and by The First Edition Library, 1936. Facsimile First Edition Library Reprint. Fine in black cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and front board with five, thin red stripes across the spine and both boards and with the top edge of the text block stained red. A small octavo measuring 8" by 5 1/4". In a near fine, facsimile, unclipped dust jacket with the "FEL" logo on the rear flap with a 1/16" closed tear at the upper edge of the front panel. Both the book and its dust jacket are contained within a fine slip case covered with light gray cloth with reproductions of the front and rear panels of the dust jacket on the panels of the slip case. 384 pages of text. This is the First Edition Library's exact (facsimile) reproduction of the first edition of the book to include all the issue points that were present in the original first printing.
    TB24017  $75.00

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    Fawcett, Edgar:  A Romance of Old New York.  Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1897. First Edition. Very good+ in its original light yellow cloth covered boards with green text on the spine and green text with gilt decorations on the front board. A 16mo of 6 1/2 by 4 inches with tanning and light soiling to the cloth on the spine and light soiling to both boards. Pasted to the verso of the first free end page is a newspaper image of four columned Greek Revival home perhaps with a connection to this title. 204 pages of text.
    TB32184  $50.00

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    Featherstone, Donald:  The Battlefield Walker's Handbook.  Shrewsbury, England: Airlife Publishing Ltd., (1998). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in bright red cloth covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4" by 6". In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 352 pages including an index. Illustrated by maps and black and white photographs.
    TB27698  $25.00

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    Fecto, Betsy McDermott:  The Northern Litchfield Hills.  Dover, NH: Arcadia Publishing, (1996). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in printed, heavy paper wraps over an adhesive binding. A small quarto of 9 1/4 by 6 1/2 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. One of the volumes in the Images of America series. 127 pages of text illustrated with images from black and white photographs throughout. A very fine and tight copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32047  $15.00

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    Fedden, Romilly:  Golden Days From the Fishing-Log of A Painter In Brittany.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1996. Revised and Augmented Edition. Fine in light brown leather covered boards with gilt text and decorations in five compartments on the spine and gilt borders and tool work on the boards. A small octavo measuring 7 5/8" by 5 1/4". The edges of the text block are gilt and the end sheets are silk with a placement ribbon sewn- in at the head of the spine. One of the volumes in the Easton Press Library of Fly-Fishing Classics. This copy remains contained within the publisher's original shrink wrap. A facsimile reprint of the 1918 edition. 233 pages including an index. This title is no longer published and sold by The Easton Press. A bright, clean and crisp copy with no prior owner's plates, names, dates or notations.
    TB33035  $80.00

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    Federal Writers' Project of the WPA:  Stories Of New Jersey.  New York: M. Barrows And Company, 1938. First Edition, Possible second state binding. Very near fine in light blue cloth covered boards with yellow text on the spine and a partial map of New Jersey with place names on the front board together with the title. A small octavo of 7 1/2 by 5 inches. Without its issued dust jacket. 422 pages of text illustrated from black and white photographs throughout. "Compiled and Written by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of New Jersey". Jeff Dykes in his American Guide Series catalog states that this title is "quite scarce". (Dykes, 201; Powell, 1039; Scharf & Schoyer, 385)
    TB33010  $75.00

  • Feiffer, Jules:  Ackroyd.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1977. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in 1/4 green cloth and charcoal gray paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine with a dust stained top edge. In a near fine dust jacket with the original price intact on the front flap. Inscribed "To Betty - | With best regards - | Jules Feiffer | Enjoy!" on the second free end paper.
    TB16195  $28.00

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    Fender, J. E.:  The Private Revolution of Geoffrey Frost.  Hanover: University Press of New England, 2002. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 royal blue cloth and gray paper covered boards with gilt text stamping and decorations on the spine and front board. An octavo of 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 297 pages of text followed by several pages of an historical note. The first volume in the Geoffrey Frost, Mariner, of Portsmouth, series.
    TB33216  $18.00

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    Fenlon, Ellen:  Signs Of The Fairies.  Akron, Ohio: The Saalfield Publishing Company, c1962. Edition not stated. Near fine in printed pink cloth covered boards with black text and an image from a photograph on the front board. A small octavo of 7 1/2 by 5 3/8 inches with a number of small, faint spots of what appear to be foxing on the front board. Signed by the author in her married name: "Ellen Fenlon Tobin" on the verso of the first free end page. Unpaginated, but containing 24 leaves of text and illustrations from photographs in color.
    TB32007  $50.00

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    Fennelly, Michael:  East Meets Southwest Innovative Cuisine From Santacafe.  San Francisco: Chronicle Books, (1991). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in illustrated, heavy paper wraps over an adhesive binding. An oblong small quarto of 9 5/8 by 9 7/8 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. 108 pages including an index and appendix. Illustrated throughout from color photographs by Charles Greer. With a foreword by James Bibo. Contains more than 40 recipes for appetizers. entrees and deserts.
    TB31890  $15.00

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    Fenning, D., and J. Collyer:  An Encyclopaedia of North and South America 1786.  Surrey, England: Unwin Brothers, Limited, (1976). Reprint of 1976. Fine in brown cloth covered boards with bold gilt text on the spine. A quarto of 11 5/8 by 8 inches. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with hints of wear at the upper edge of the spine area. One of only 500 copies printed with this copy out of series. A reprinting of volume II of the authors' book originally published in 1786 and titled: A New System Of Geography.... 159 pages of text printed in brown. Illustrated with three double page maps of what is now the United States, South America and Mexico and the Caribbean and two plates. A fine and handsome volume with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB30704  $35.00

  • Ferguson, Gary:  The Sylvan Path.  New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. First Edition. Fine in green paper covered boards. In a fine dust jacket. A review copy with the publisher's materials laid-in.
    TB06013  $30.00

  • Ferguson, Gary:  Spirits of the Wild.  New York: Clarkson Potter Pub., 1996. First Edition, First printing. Fine, In a fine dust jacket. "The World's great nature myths" retold by the author who also wrote Walking Down the Wild.
    TB03680  $24.50

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    Fernow, Berthold:  The Ohio Valley In Colonial Days.  Albany, New York: Joel Munsell's Sons, 1890. First Edition, First printing. Good in the publisher's original, printed, pink paper covered boards which are well faded around the outside edges and worn on the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued. 299 pages including an index. This volume is unread as all of the pages are uncut and un-opened. This is volume number 17 in Munsell's Historical Series. The author examines the historical struggle between the French, the English and the Native Americans to control the Ohio River Valley from its discovery in 1539 to the close of the French and Indian War. Mention is made of Simon Kenton and many other early settlers of the area. Considered by Wright Howes to be a "mildly scarce" title. (Howes F-92)
    TB20698  $125.00

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    Field, David D.:  Centennial Address, With Historical Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle-Haddam, Middletown and its Parishes.  Middletown: William B. Casey, 1853. First Editions. Good in its original, highly decorated black cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and blind embossing to the boards. The lower 3 inches of the cloth spine back is missing and the cloth over both joints is worn away, yet the hinges are both tight. There are two early prior owner's names on the first free end page and the contents are foxed throughout. Without a dust jacket. A collection of addresses and letters made on the occasion of the second Centennial Anniversary of the . settlement of Middletown (Connecticut) taking place on November 13th, 1850. Topics covered include discussion of the Pequot War, settlement of the town, early settlers, first householders, ship building, character of settlers, raising troops and supplies, standing militia, Capture of Sag Harbor, War of 1812, the churches in the town and surrounding towns, etc. Chatham was the former name for the town of East Hampton. A 12mo measuring 7 3/8 by 4 3/4 inches containing 295 pages of text including a page of errata and illustrated with three steel plate engravings (Sabin, 24267; Connecticut A Bibliography, 2083)
    TB32553  $100.00

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    Field, Henry M.:  History Of The Atlantic Telegraph.  New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 1866. First Edition. Very good in its original brick red, cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. A 12mo of 7 1/4 by 4 3/4 inches with cloth on the spine heavily darkened and with the cloth at the head and heel of the spine worn and rubbed. There is a prior owner's book plate on the front paste down. The joints, hinges and binding are tight and strong. The contents are clean and free of foxing and tanning. 364 pages of text followed by a three page listing of other telegraphic companies which is followed by ads for other books by the publisher.
    TB30843  $75.00

  • Field, Andrew:  Nabokov His Life in Art.  Boston: Little Brown & Company, 1967. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in red cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine which has a modest twist. In a very good+ dust jacket with light wear at the ends of the spine area with nicks at the corners but with the price intact on the front flap. Laid-in are several articles from the New York Times regarding Nabokov, his obituary and reviews of this book. 397 pages including an index.
    TB13475  $17.50

  • Fielder, Mildred:  Wild Bill and Deadwood.  Seattle: Superior Publishing, 1965. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in heavy cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and the front board. In a very good+ dust jacket although the red edges on the front panel and spine area are well rubbed and with a 1/4" closed tear at the bottom edge of the front panel. 160 pages of text and period photogarphs covering the life of Wild Bill Hickok.
    TB08051  $20.00

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    Fielding, Henry:  The History of Tom Jones A Foundling.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1979. Collector's Edition. Fine in full burgundy leather covered boards with three raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. A small quarto measuring 9 7/8" tall by 6 1/2" deep overall containing 780 pages of text. Illustrated with color drawings by T. M. Cleland and with an introduction by Louis Kronenberger. One of the volumes in The Easton Press' collection of The Greatest Books Ever Written. A beautiful, tight, clean and crisp copy with no names, dates or notations with only the faint ghost of a removed book plate from the front end page.
    TB20189  $55.00

  • Fife, Austin & Alta:  Saints of Sage and Saddle.  Bloomington: Indiana University PressB, 1956. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ to near fine in decorated tan cloth boards with brown text and decorations with review of the book pasted to the FFEP. In a very good+ dust jacket with three 1/16" chips at the upper edge of the spine area and small creases to the upper edge of the front panel. A review copy with the publisher's review materials and a photograph of the authors laid-in. Sub-titled: Folklore among the Mormons.
    TB06489  $38.50

  • Fillingham, Paul:  The Balloon Book.  New York: David McKay Company, 1977. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in textured blue cloth covered boards. In a very good- dust jacket with the color from the upper 3/4" of the spine area flecked off and a 2" closed tear to the front panel. 226 pages with index, text, black and white photographs and a number of sketches.
    TB07808  $14.00

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    Finch, Christopher:  The Art of Walt Disney.  New York: Harry Abrams, 1973. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in white cloth covered boards with Mickey Mouse cutout on the front board and a fold-out title page. On the first free end paper a prior owner has written the date of "12/24/73" in ink; else fine. In a very good- glassine dust jacket with a 2" chip at lower edge of the spine area, a 1" chip on the rear panel and the upper edge of the spine area is creased. There is also a long horizontal closed tear to the front panel two inches up from its lower edge. This is the prized first edition with a raised image of Mickey Mouse on the front cover. To protect the book and its glassine jacket it has been housed in a heavyduty, cardboard slipcase. A folio format measuring 13 1/4 by 10 3/8 inches containing 458 pages. Due to the large size of this volume our standard shipping charges can not apply. Please inquire for exact shipping costs.
    TB03233  $75.00

  • Finder, Joseph:  High Crimes.  New York: Wm. Morrow & Company, 1998. First Edition, First printing. Fine in paper covered boards. In a fine dust jacket.
    TB07737  $7.35

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    Finer, Peter:  Peter Finer: Seventh Catalogue (Antique Arms and Armor Catalog).  London: PF Peter Finer, (2005). First Edition. Fine in black cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and on the front board. A quarto of 11 5/8 by 8 1/4 inches with marbled paper end sheets. In a fine, unclipped (no price) dust jacket. Unpaginated, but containing over 200 pages. Illustrated throughout with images from color photographs. A perfect copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB31451  $45.00

  • Finerty, John F.:  War-Path and Bivouac The Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1955. First thus. Fine in blue cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and front board and with a gilt top edge to the text block. With a minor spots of foxing to the fore edge of the text block. Edited by Milo Milto Quaife. The narrative of the personal experiences of the author while he was on the staff of The Chicago Times while covering the military campaign of the Sioux war of 1876. 379 pages including an index and followed by a list of previous titles published in the series. Illustrated with maps, photographic facsimiles and engravings.
    TB33541  $30.00

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    Fischer, Paul (Editor):  The Bee-Hive January, 1947.  East Hartfrord, Conn.: United Aircraft Corporation, January, 1947. First Edition Volume XXII, Number 1. Near fine in printed paper wraps over a double staple binding. A small quarto of 11 by 8 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. 31 pages of text and illustrated throughout from black and white photographs. The cover shows "The Mighty B-36" with six 28-cylinder Pratt & Whitney R-4360 'Wasp Major' radial engines mounted at the rear of the wings.
    TB30190  $20.00

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    Fisher, Anne B.:  The Salinas.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1945). First Edition, Limited Edition. Good in red cloth covered boards with a 1 inch deep closed tear to the cloth and underlying board at the lower edge of the front board, soiling across the face of the front board, light wear and rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and with the cloth on the spine faded and soiled at the folds to the joints. There is also a prior owner's book plate on the fly title page and the remnants of a child's scribbling on the front end sheets. In a very good-, unclipped dust jacket with very shallow, minor chipping to the ends of the spine area, several archival tape repairs to the verso of the jacket particularly at the fold to the front flap where it was completely separated. And with 1/8" deep chips across more than 1/2 of the upper edge of the front panel. This is one of the Special Salinas Valley Edition copies which is identified as number 306 on the limitation page and which is signed by both the author and the illustrator. 316 pages including an index and bibliography. The 27th volume in The Rivers of America Series with illustrations by W. K. Fisher. As Carol Fitzgerald notes in her splendid bibliography of The Rivers of America, the number of copies of the special limited edition is unknown, but it is at least 801 as this dealer has seen a copy with that number. (Fitzgerald, Vol. 2, S33)
    TB29878  $75.00

  • Fisher, Vardis:  Tale of Valor.  Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1958. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in tan cloth covered boards with red text on the spine. In a very good+ dust jacket with a price clipped jacket flap, a 1" closed tear to the fold to the front panel and light wear to the edges. A novel of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
    TB10080  $30.00

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    Fitzgerald, F. Scott:  The Beautiful and Damned.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922. First Edition, First State. Very good+ in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and blind embossing on the front board. The cloth at the head of the spine has a closed tear of approximately 1/16 of an inch and very slight rubbing at the tips of the boards. The binding, hinges and joints are all tight and strong. Without the very scarce issued dust jacket. This is the very uncommon first edition, first state without the Scribner's seal on the copyright page. 449 pages of text. (Bruccoli A8.I.a) A very attractive copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB30905  $750.00

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    Fitzgerald, F. Scott:  Flappers And Philosophers.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920. First Edition, First Printing, second state. Very good+ in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine which is heavily tarnished and with the title embossed in blind on the front board. The cloth at the head of the spine is rubbed and worn and the cloth is worn through over the lower tips of the boards. The binding, hinges and joints are all tight and strong. Without the very scarce issued dust jacket. 269 pages of text. A collection of eight short stories all of which had appeared in magazines. One of only 5,000 first edition copies printed. (Bruccoli A6) A very attractive copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32283  $500.00

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    Fitzgerald, F. Scott:  This Side Of Paradise.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920. Third Printing. Very near fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with very faded gilt text on the spine and blind embossed text on the front board. A small octavo measuring 7 1/2 by 5 inches with only touches of light wear to the head and heel of the spine and to the tips of the boards. Without it issued dust jacket. 305 pages of text. A very clean and handsome copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind. As noted by Bruccoli in his bibliography of Fitzgerald's works, the numerous mispellings and typos which appeared in the first edition and early reprints were not corrected in the plates until the fourth printing. Only 5,000 copies of this, the third printing, were produced. (Bruccoli 5.I.a)
    TB30904  $300.00

  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott:  All The Sad Young Men.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926. First Edition, First Printing. Very good+ in dark green cloth covered boards with faded gilt text on the spine and with blind text embossing of the title and the author's name on the front board. A small octavo of 7 1/2 by 5 1/8 inches with the spine slightly cocked, and the cloth at the head of the spine lightly rubbed and worn at the head of the spine and with two prior owner's names in ink on the first free end page. Containing 267 pages of text.
    TB32277  $200.00

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    Fitzgerald, Carol:  The Rivers of America A Descriptive Bibliography.  New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2001. First Edition. Both volumes of this two volume set are in fine condition in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text stampings on the spines. Both are octavos measuring 9 by 6 inches with decorative end sheets. Both volumes are in fine unclipped dust jackets. Extensive research and years of searching for every variant copy for all of the titles in the Rivers of America series have allowed the author to compile an extremely detailed and highly authoritative bibliography of this series. Volume 1 contains 434 pages while volume 2 contains pages 435 to 899 which includes an index for both volumes. I am of the opinion that this is one of the best bibliographies ever published as it goes into extreme detail of each volume and every variant, provides a biography of each author and each illustrator. I know of no other bibliography that covers as much material or as thoroughly. An invaluable resource for any serious collector of this series. An extremely handsome set and now that it is out of print sure to grow in value.
    TB33142  $150.00

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    Fitzgerald, F. Scott:  Afternoon of an Author A Selection of Uncollected Stories and Essays.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1957. First Edition, First printing. Very good in light brown cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4 by 6 inches. In a very near fine, unclipped dust jacket with the spine area slightly tanned and with a 1/8 inch closed tear to the upper edge of the front panel. 226 pages of text. A collection of short stories and essays.
    TB32836  $75.00

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    Fitzgerald, Edward:  The Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam.  New York: Dodge Publishing, (1916). First Edition. Near fine in its original light brown cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and gilt text stamped on the front board with a decoration of gilt outlined grapes and leaves. An octavo of 8 1/8 by 7 inches with a gift inscription on the first free end page. Without a dust jacket. Unpaginated. Illustrated with tipped on color frontispiece with tissue guard, and eight more tipped on color images all with the tissue guards in place.
    TB30508  $25.00

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    Fitzpatrick, Gary L.:  The Early Mapping of Hawaii (Volume I).  Honolulu: Editions Limited, (1986). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in white cloth covered boards with black text stamped on the spine and on the front board. A folio of 14 by 10 inches with map end sheets. In a fine, unclipped (no price) dust jacket Signed by the author on the title page. 160 pages including an index, bibliography, citations of illustrations, notes and text. Illustrated throughout with maps and charts.
    TB33112  $65.00

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    Fitzpatrick, John C.:  The Spirit of The Revolution New Light From Some of the Original Sources of American History.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1924. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in navy blue cloth covered boards with much of the gilt stamped text on the spine worn off; however, the gilt stamped text on the front board remains present and quite readable. There are minor spots of foxing throughout the text. Without its issued dust jacket. An octavo measuring 8 5/9" tall by 6" deep containing 300 pages including an index. Illustrated with reproductions of contemporary works of art and photographs of original documentation. (Gephart, 1137)
    TB22985  $30.00

  • Fitzsimons, Bernard:  150 Years of North American Railroads.  Secaucus, NJ: Chartwell Books, Inc., 1982. First Edition. Fine in bright red cloth covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. A quarto measuring 12" by 9 1/4". In a very good+ unclipped dust jacket with a 1/2" closed tear at the lower edge of the front panel. 224 pages including an index, text and illustrated with color photographs throughout.
    TB25593  $10.00

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    Flechier, Espirit:  Oraisons Funebres Composées Par Monsieur Flechier, Abbe De Saint Severin De L Academie Francoise.  Paris: , 1680. Seconde Edition. Good in a 17th century binding of full leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with only fragments of the backstrip remaining, but enough to show gilt tool work and gilt text in the compartments. In subsequent years to preserve the binding the spine area was heavily varnished. In the area where the backstrip has been lost the underlying sewing supports (cords) are visible. The front and rear joints seem to be cracked but the varnish continues to hold the book together with the aid of the still strong front and rear hinges. A 16mo measuring 6 1/4" by 3 1/2" with two recent prior owner's names on the first free end page. 326 pages of text.
    TB26039  $400.00

  • Fleming, William H.:  Slavery And The Race Problem In The South.  Boston: Dana Estes & Company, Publishers, n.d. (circa 1906). First Limited Edition. Very good+ in 1/4 white cloth and light gray paper covered boards with gilt text stamped on the spine and front board. The 1/4 white cloth is soiled, tanned and foxed, the fly title page has a 3/4" closed tear at its upper edge and there are a prior owner's notations in light pencil on the margins of a number of pages. Without a dust jacket. This copy is identified as number 395 out of only 1,000 copies printed. This copy is also signed by the publisher on the front board of the book. 66 pages of text with a frontispiece portrait of William H. Fleming. The full title reads: Slavery And The Race Problem in The South. With Special Reference To The State of Georgia. Address of Hon. Wm. H. Fleming, Before the Alumni Society of the State University, Athens, June 19, 1906.
    TB21836  $85.00

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    Fleming, Thomas:  The Great Divide.  Boston: Da Capo Press, (2015. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 pink paper and black paper covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo of 9 by 6 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 424 pages including an index, chapter notes and text. Subtitled: "The Conflict Between Washington and Jefferson That Defined a Nation". Illustrated with a section of 8 pages of plates with images from contemporary works of art. A very clean and handsome copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32846  $20.00

  • Fleming, Fergus:  Barrow's Boys.  New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1998. First Edition, First printing. Fine in black paper covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine which is very slighlty rolled. In a fine, unclipped, dust jacket. 489 pages including an index, references, text and illustrated with a section of reproductions of contemporary art work. As second secretary to the British Admiralty, John Barrow in 1816 created an extremely ambitious exploration program to "fill in the blanks on the atlases of the day." For the next 30 years Barrow's Boys traveled to the Arctic, Antarctica, and the heart of Africa.
    TB17080  $12.60

  • Fletcher, Robert H.:  Free Grass To Fences The Montana Cattle Range Story.  New York: University Publishers for the Historical Society of Montana, 1960. First Edition, First printing. Very near fine in 1/4 tan cloth and decorated light brown paper covered boards with black and green text and decorations on the spine and with decorated end papers by Charles Russell. The fly title page has a dated gift inscription. In a very good- price clipped dust jacket with a 1/3" deep chip at the upper corner of the spine area and with a 1/2" deep chip at the upper edge of the rear panel both with related creasing and with rubbing and wear at the folds. "The full story of the Montana cattle industry, from the earliest days of the fur traders down to the latest Miles City Roundup, written by a man who knows the northwestern range land and its history without a map." 233 pages of text and illustrated with photographs and drawings by Charles Russell.
    TB17081  $70.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Flint, Timothy:  Recollections Of The Last Ten Years, Passed In Occasional Residences And Journeyings In The Valley Of The Mississippi From Pittsburg And The Missouri To The Gulf Of Mexioc, and From Florida To the Spanish Frontier.  Boston: Cummings, Hilliar, And Company, 1826. First Edition. Very good in its original paper covered boards with a printed paper label on the spine. A small quarto of 9 5/8 by 5 7/8 inches with rubbing and wear to the paper at the head and heel of the spine and minor small chipping from the paper title label. There is an early prior owner's book plate on the front paste down. Without a dust jacket. 395 pages of text. Timothy Flint (1780-1840) was a missionary and writer who traveled broadly throughout the US during his lifetime. The subject title deals with the author's descriptions of his years living in various locations in Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas and Lousiana, during the years 1815 to 1825 where he comments extensively on geography, topography, culture and conditions. Considered by Howes to be "quite scarce". Smith in his bibliography of Travels in the Old South states: "The Recollections of Timothy Flint form one of the more significant travel accounts of the early nineteenth century in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys." A very clean and handsome copy in its original binding. (Clark, Vol. 2, 26; Streeter, Vol 3, 1540; Howe, F 204; Sabin, 24794; Graff, 1359; Rader, 1420; BAL, 6113)
    TB31025  $1000.00

  • Flint, Abel:  A System Of Geometry and Trigonometry Together With A Treatise on Surveying Likewise, Rectangular Surveying.  Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke, 1804. First Edition. Good+ in contemporary calf with faded gilt rules on the spine with rubbing to the leather around the edges of the boards. An octavo measuring 8 1/2" by 5" with an early prior owner's name written on the second free end page and last free end page reading: "Uriel Fullers" of "Hampton Connecticut" Without a dust jacket. 168 pages of text and tables followed by four fold-out plates. Half of the first plate is missing and the others suffer from foxing, a high water mark, excess creasing and some closed tears. The hinges and joints remain tight and strong with no loose pages.
    TB26209  $165.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Flint, Abel:  A System Of Geometry and Trigonometry Together With A Treatise on Surveying Also, the Principles of Rectangular Surveying.  Hartford: Cooke & Co., 1830. Sixth Edition. Good+ in contemporary calf with gilt rules on the spine with a black, gilt stamped title block on the spine. A small octavo of 8 by 4 5/8 inches with the leather at the head of the spine worn down to the edge of the text block, a 1" hole through the leather on the spine about 1" above the heel and rubbing around the edges of the boards. There is an interesting, large, early book plate on the front paste down and the same prior owner's name written in ink on the first free end page with the date +1831" Without a dust jacket. 112 pages of text followed by a 10 page discussion of logarithms, followed by 62 pages of logarithms of numbers, which is followed by 99 pages of "a traverse table showing the difference of latitude and departure". Minor foxing and tanning is found throughout. The hinges and joints remain tight and strong with no loose pages.
    TB30552  $45.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Flint, Abel:  A System Of Geometry and Trigonometry Together With A Treatise on Surveying Likewise, Rectangular Surveying.  Hartford: Oliver D. Cooke, 1825. Fifth Edition. Very good+ in contemporary calf with bright gilt rules on the spine with a red leather title block with gilt text. A small octavo measuring 7 7/8 by 4 3/8 inches with a prior owner's book plate on the front paste down. The leather is rubbed around the edges of the boards. The contents are clean and free of foxing and tanning except for the preliminaries and the end sheets which show offsetting from the leather turn-ins. Without a dust jacket. 137 pages of text and tables. The hinges and joints remain tight and strong with no loose pages.
    TB31233  $45.00

  • Florin, Lambert:  Ghost Town of the Pacific Frontier.  New York: Promontory Press, 1971. Reprint. Fine in dark blue paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. In a fine dust jacket. 280 pages of text and black and white photographs.
    TB08075  $10.50

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    Flynn, Errol:  Beam Ends.  New York: Longmans, Green And Co., 1937. Third Printing of May, 1937. Very good- in light blue cloth covered boards with tarnished gilt text on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches with map end sheets. The cloth at the head and heel of the spine is rubbed and worn with several short closed tears to the depth of the text block and the cloth is worn through over the tips of the boards. With a prior owner's name and date on the fly title page. Without its issued dust jacket. 241 pages of text. Illustrated with a frontispiece and three plates all from black and white photographs. The story of Errol Flynn's cruise off the northwestern coast of Australia to New Guinea on his ship Sirocco with his three friends and crew members.
    TB33138  $500.00

  • Follett, Ken:  The Power Twins.  New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1990. First Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/4 cloth and paper covered boards. In a fine dust jacket.
    TB06426  $7.84

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    Fondiller, Harvey V.:  Men of The Revolution American Soldiers of 1776.  New York: Popular Photography Magazine, 1976. Reprint . Near fine in glossy heavy paper wraps with the author signature and inscription on the front panel and a small stain on the rear panel. Without a dust jacket as issued. Signed, dated and inscribed by the author in Rochester (New York) on "10/11/76" This is a reprint of the article of the same title which appeared in the July, 1976 issue of Popular Photography. A small quarto measuring 11" tall by 8 1/2" deep. Unpaginated containing 8 pages. "A photographs of each (American Revolutionary soldier) from Life With Their Memories of the War. "In 1864 the last surviving veterans recalled their experiences in the War of Independence. Their words and portraits were the world's first photo-interviews."
    TB18599  $45.00

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    Forbes, Lieut. Col. [James Grant]:  Report Of The Trial Of Brig. General William Hull;Commanding The North-Western Army Of The United States By A Court Martial Held At Albany On Monday, 3d January, 1814 And Succeeding Days.  New York: Eastburn, Kirk, and Co., 1814. First Edition. Good in its original 1/4 vellum and blue-green, paper covered boards with a printed, paper label on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/8 by 5 1/2 inches with the spine cracked down the middle allowing the text block to in two roughly equal pieces, the front board is loose as is the first free end page. The top edge of the title page is signed in ink by an early prior owner which appears to be "Wm. Montague". The record of the trial against the commander of American troops for surrendering Fort Detroit to the British and their native allies within the first two months of the War of 1812. 119 pages of text followed by an appendix of 29 pages of text. In his bibliography The War of 1812 An Annotated Bibliography by Dwight L. Smith, he states of this trial: "Hull was charged with treason, cowardice, neglect of duty, and unofficer-like conduct in the Detroit campaign in 1812. The court felt that Hull had not committed treason, but that it had no legal jurisdiction in such matters. On the other charges he was found guilty and sentenced to death. But the court recommended him to the mercy of the President of the United States." He was pardoned by President James Madison. (Smith, , 532;
    TB32875  $300.00

  • Forbes, Esther:  America's Paul Revere.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in decorated, red cloth covered boards with the fore edges of the boards discolored & a PON stamped on the end paper. In a very good dust jacket with a price clipped jacket flap, light soiling across much of the white background of the jacket and with 1/8" chips at the ends of the spine area. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. 46 pages of text and illustrations.
    TB09949  $35.00

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    Forbush, Edward Howe:  Birds of Massachusetts And Other New England States (3 volume set).  Boston: Massachusetts Department of Agriculture, 1925, 1927 and 1929. All first editions. All three volumes are in very good condition in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spines and on the front boards. Each is a small quarto of 9 5/8 by 7 3/8 inches with rubbing and wear to the corners of the heads and heels of the spines and to the tips of the boards. The first free end page and title page of each volume has a prior owner's name written at the upper fore corner. Volume I contains 481 pages; volume II contains 461 pages; and volume III contains 466 pages including an index for all three volumes and a biographical sketch of Edward Howe Forbush by John Bichard May. All volumes are illustrated with photographs and colored plates from drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and others. Due to the extra weight of this three volume set special arrangements must be made with Town's End Books to cover the cost of shipping.
    TB33196  $145.00

  • Forbush, Edward Howe:  A History of the Game Birds, Wild-Fowl and Shore Birds of Massachusetts and Adjacent States.  Boston: The Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, 1916. Second Edition. Very good+ in green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. The cloth at the head and heel of the spine is mildly rubbed and worn. Without a dust jacket. 636 pages including an index "Including those used for food which have disappeared since the settlement of the country, and those which are now hunted for food or sport, with observations on their former abundance and recent decrease in numbers: also the means for conserving those still in existence." Illustrated with drawings and with photographs.
    TB20411  $28.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Ford, Gerald R.:  Photograph - Signed.  n.p.: n.p., n.d.. . A fine 8 by 10 inch color photograph of Gerald R. Ford holding his glasses standing in front of an American Flag and a paneled book case. There is no wear or flaws of any kind to this photograph. Signed by the President in black ink in the lower white margin.
    TB26115  $150.00

  • Ford, Richard:  The Sportswriter.  New York: Vintage Books, 1986. First Edition. Near fine with covers very modestly curled at the edges, otherwise very clean and bright. in wraps. This is the author's third book which was also the prequil to his Pulitzer Prize winning Independence Day. The book was initially only published in paperback and was a nominee for the 1987 Pen/Faulkner Award.
    TB05979  $50.00

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    Ford, George Hare:  Historical Sketches Of The Town Of Milford.  New Haven, Conn.: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, 1914. First Edition, Limited Edition. Good in its original brown, printed paper wraps over a triple stapled binding with black text and a sketch of the Memorial Bridge on the front cover. A small quarto of 9 1/2 by 6 3/8 inches with heavy wear and chipping around the edges of the covers and with perdition to the upper fore corners of the text block restricted to the margins. The covers were loose, but have been reattached using non-acidic, clear tape. Without a dust jacket as issued. Signed by the author at the upper edge of the title page without a date or inscription. 80 pages of text illustrated with a frontispiece, fold-out map of Milford from 1835, reproductions of earlier works of art, line drawings and images from black and white photographs. An uncommon item, especially signed. (Armstrong, Connecticut A Bibliography of Its History, 5613)
    TB32789  $50.00

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    Ford, Gov. Thomas:  A History of Illinois Volume II.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1946. First thus. Fine in red cloth covered boards with gilt tooling on the front board and gilt text stamping on the spine and a gilt top edge to the text block. The Lakeside Classic for 1945. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. Laid-in at the front of the book is a Compliments of the Season card from Thomas E. Donnelley. The original publication of this book was in 1854 after the author's death. Volume I of the book was published by the Lakeside Press in 1945. 369 pages including an index, text and two fold-out maps which are both in excellent condition. A beautiful, clean, crisp and handsome copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB30662  $45.00

  • Ford, Gov. Thomas:  A History of Illinois Volume I.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1945. First thus. Fine in red cloth covered boards with gilt tooling on the front board and gilt text stamping on the spine and a gilt top edge to the text block. The gilt text on the spine and gilt decorations on the front board are bright and clean with spots of foxing in the hinge areas of the end sheets a result of a reaction with the glues used in binding. The Lakeside Classic for 1945. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. The original publication of this book was in 1854 after the author's death. Volume II of the book was published by the Lakeside Press in 1946. 364 pages including an index, text and two fold-out maps which are both in excellent condition. A nice copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB28184  $35.00

  • Ford, Richard:  Rock Springs.  New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987. First Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/2 charcoal gray cloth and tan paper covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo measuring 9" by 6". In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 235 pages of text.
    TB02914  $25.00

  • Ford, Richard:  Wildlife.  New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. First Edition, First printing. Fine, In a fine dust jacket. By the author of Rock Springs.
    TB03156  $21.00

  • Ford, Alice (Editor):  The Bird Biographies of John James Audubon.  New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in 1/4 black and light green cloth covered boards with silver colored text on the spine. A small quarto measuring 10" by 7" with light rubbing at the head and heel of the spine and with a gift inscription on the first free end page. Missing its issued dust jacket. 282 pages of text including a bibliography. Illustrated with twelve color plates reproduced from from Harvard University Library's collection of Audubon's original paintings. The editor selected 80 of Audubon's "most interesting and characteristic of the bird biographies."
    TB25423  $20.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Forester, C. S.:  Marionettes at Home.  London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1936. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in brick red cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine and light yellow end papers. A 12mo measuring 7 3/8" tall by 5" deep. The end sheets, preliminaries and fore edge of the text block show mild spots of foxing. Without a dust jacket. 192 pages of text illustrated with a photographic frontispiece and 11 black and white photographs. A very uncommon early title by Forester which focuses on his hobby of marionettes.
    TB20593  $175.00

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    Forester, C. S.:  The Hornblower Companion.  Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1964. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in red cloth covered boards with gilt decorations and text on the spine and front board. A small quarto measuring 1" by 7 1/2 inches. In a very good+ unclipped dust jacket with a 1/4 inch closed tear at the upper fore corner of the spine area which is also slightly tanned. "An Atlas and Personal Commentary on the writing of the Hornblower Saga...." (from the title page). Now becoming quite scarce as only 8,000 copies were printed. The story behind the making of the Hornblower sagas with maps and illustrations by Samuel H. Bryant. 149 pages.
    TB32824  $150.00

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    Forester, C. S.:  Mr. Midshipman Hornblower.  London: Michael Joseph LTD, 1950. First Edition. Very good+ in dark green cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine which has a minor crease up its center and a prior owner's name and date on the first free end paper. In a good, unclipped dust jacket with a squareish 1 1/4 inch deep chip from the lower edge of the spine ara with heavy rubbing to the folds and the top edge of the spine area. Only 25,000 copies of the first UK edition were distributed. Overall an acceptable, collectable copy. 277 pages of text.
    TB32869  $75.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Forester, C. S.:  The Nightmare.  London: Michael Joseph, (1954). First Edition, First printing. Near fine in gray cloth covered boards with red and black text and designs on the spine. A small octavo of 7 3/4 by 5 1/4 inches with slight lean to the spine In a very near fine, unclipped dust jacket with the spine area slightly tanned. 240 pages of text. A collection of short stories pertaining to the Nazi war crimes. Little Brown produced only 7,000 copies of the first edition in the US while Michael Joseph in London produced 20,000 copies of the first UK edition. Of course if you are a "follow the flag" collector of Forester's books, this is the version you will want to have.
    TB32877  $50.00

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    Forester, C. S.:  Gold From Crete.  Boston: Little Brown, (1970). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/2 dark blue and turquoise cloth covered boards with bright gilt text stamping on the spine. A small octavo of 8 by 5 3/8 inches. In a nearfine unclipped dust jacket with only a tiny 1/8 inch closed tear to the upper edge of the front panel and with hints of rubbing to the fore corners of the front panel over the tips of the boards. Ten short stories by C.S. Forester published by the author's widow four years after his death. A beautiful and very collectable copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind 263 pages of text.
    TB33082  $35.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Forester, Frank:  Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen.  n.p.: Westvaco, 1993. Limited Edition. Fine in full gray-green buckram cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and with decorated end sheets. Without a dust jacket as issued; however, the book is within a near fine paper covered slip case. 277 pages of text followed by a listing of the Westvaco's American Classics Series. With a forward by H. Lea Lawrence. Illustrated with steel engravings by Frank Forester and John Bumstead throughout. The 36th volume in Westvaco's American Classics series.
    TB28354  $30.00

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    Forester, C. S.:  Randall and the River of Time.  London: Michael Joseph, 1951. First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in black cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. There is a prior owner's name on the first free end paper and mild rubbing at the edges of the boards. In a very good+ dust jacket with moderate wear and flecking of the colors at the ends of the spine area and several short closed tears to the edges of the front panel. Thirty thousand copies of the UK first edition were released by Michael Joseph. 320 pages of text.
    TB18472  $25.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Forester, C. S.:  The Sky and the Forest.  London: Michael Joseph, 1948. First U.K. Edition. Near fine in burnt orange cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. In a very good+ dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap but with rubbing and wear to the of the spine area and at the folds. 219 pages of text.
    TB18470  $22.50

  • Click on Image to expand
    Forester, C. S.:  The Gun.  Chester Springs, Penn.: Dufour Editiions, Inc., (1969). Fourth Printing. Fine in bright red-orange cloth covered boards with bold, gilt text stamping on the spine. A 12mo of 7 1/4 by 4 3/4 inches. In a near fine, price clipped dust jacket with only minor rubbing to the extreme edges of the spine area. Printed and produced by The Bodley Head of London and sent to Dufour Editions for their use and publication. Dufour only placed a pasted green label on the title page about The Bodley Head name. 189 pages of text. Originally published in 1933 in the US by Little Brown and Company. Extremely scarce in first edition.
    TB31873  $20.00

  • Forester, C. S.:  Long Before Forty.  Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1967. First Edition, First printing. Fine, In a very near fine dust jacket with the stain of a glass ring on the front panel. The manuscript for Long Before Forty is an autobiography found after Forester's death in 1966 in a safe deposit box. His widow published it in 1967. The book traces Forester's early years to struggle as a writer.
    TB05504  $17.50

  • Click on Image to expand
    Forman, Samuel A.:  Ill-Fated Frontier Peril And Possibilities In The Early American West.  Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, (2021}. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in dark blue colored paper covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. A small quarto of 9 by 6 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 252 pages an index, bibliography, chapter notes and text. Illustrated throughout with images from earlier works of art. A very clean, handsome and tight copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind. An engaging account of a true overland adventure to move 60 slaves via cart and flat boat from New Jersey in 1789 across Pennsylvania to the Ohio River then down the Ohio and Mississppi to Natchez, Mississippi which at the time was under Spanish control.
    TB32074  $30.00

  • Forrest, Anthony:  The Pandora Secret.  London: Allen Lane, 1982. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in white cloth covered boards with copper color text stamping on the spine with top of front board lightly dented. In a near fine dust jacket with modest wrinkling at the top edge of the front panel. The author's name is a pseudonym for two well-known historians of the Napoleonic era. The second book in the Captain John Justice series which involves Robert Fulton the inventor.
    TB04467  $12.50

  • Click on Image to expand
    Forster, John:  The Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith.  London: Bradbury & Evans And Chapmane & Hall, 1848. First Edition. Very good+ in full, polished calf leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with a dark green leather title label and gilt tool work in the compartments with gilt borders around the edges of the beveled boards. The edges of the text block are marbled as are the end sheets together with gilt dentelles on the leather turn-ins. A thick octavo of 8 3/16 by 5 1/4 inches with both joints cracked, but the hinges are strong and tight. There is a dated (1862) gift inscription on the second free end page in ink. 704 pages of text including a section of notes and corrections at the rear. Illustrated throughout with vignettes from engravings.
    TB31024  $150.00

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    Forster, E. M.:  A Silk Road Journey II A Passage To India with Intriguing India.  n.p.: Westvaco Corporation, 2006. Limited Edition. A two volume set both of which are in fine condition. The principal volume, by Forster, in in bright red cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and decorated end sheets. The second volume is in green paper covered boards with black text on the spine and gilt and black text on the front board. It contains two CD's of music from India by Rasa Music. with illustrated end sheets and a light green placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. Both are without dust jackets as issued; however, the set is contained within a fine highly gilt decorated, yellow cloth covered clamshell slipcase. The principal volume contains Forster's A Passage To India with 310 pages. The secondary volume contains two CDs. The Christmas 2006 issue by Westvaco which is the 49th volume in Westvaco's annual American Classic series.
    TB26436  $125.00

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    Forsthoefel, Andrew:  Walking To Listen 4,000 Miles Across America, One Story At A Time.  New York: Bloomsbury, (2017). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in yellow paper covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo of 9 1/8 by 6 inches. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with rubbing and light wear to the upper corners of the spine area and at the upper fore corner of the rear panel. Warmly inscribed and signed by the author on the title page. 371 pages of text.
    TB30464  $40.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Foster, David:  The Scientific Angler, Being A General and Instructive Work on Artistic Angling.  New York: Orange Judd Company, 1883. First Edition. Very good+ in its original binding of green cloth over beveled boards with gilt text and gilt decorations on the spine and with gilt text and black image of a fishing pole and net on the front board. A 12mo of 7 1/4 by 5 inches minor rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and to the tips of the boards and three scuff marks to the front board. The contents are clean, unmarked and free of foxing, tanning and any prior ownership marks. 247 pages followed by five pages of ads by the publisher. Illustrated with six plates from line drawings. Compiled by the author's sons and edited by William Harris, who was the editor of American Angler. This title was originally published in London in 1882. Bruns in his Angling Books of The Americas considers the first edition of this title to be "very scarce". (Thacher, p.185; Bruns,H-82 & p.160)
    TB32149  $200.00

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    Fouque, Friedrich de La Motte:  Undine.  New York: Doubleday Page, 1911. Second Impression. Very good+ in its original 1/4 light brown cloth and printed, light green paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine and green text and green design on the front board. A small quarto of 9 3/4 by 7 1/4 inches with very light rubbing to the cloth at the ends of the spine and with the paper cover rubbed through over the tips of the boards and at the fore edges. There is an early prior owner's name and date (1912) on the first free printed end sheet. The fly title page is missing. The contents of this copy are immaculate. 136 pages of text. Illustrated with a tipped-on, color frontispiece and 14 tipped-on, color plates as well as numerous black and white vignettes throughout for a total of 45 illustrations. Translated from the German by W. L. Cortney. Printed by Ballantyne & Co. LTD of London. (Hudson: Arthur Rackham His Life and Work, p.169)
    TB32915  $225.00

  • Fow, John H.:  The True Story of The American Flag.  Philadelphia: William J. Campbell, 1908. First Edition, First printing. Good in light paper printed wraps with a stapled and glued binding. The front panel of the wrapper has a number of chips at the corners. Without a dust jacket as issud. An octavo measuring 8 5/8" tall by 5 13/16" deep containing 54 pages of text illustrated with eight color plates of fifteen flags.
    TB19582  $20.00

  • Fowler, Connie May:  River of Hidden Dreams.  New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1994. First Edition. Fine in paper covered boards with copper colored text stamping on the spine. In a fine dust jacket. The author's second book.
    TB04712  $65.00

  • Fowler, Connie May:  Before Women Had Wings.  New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1996. First Edition, First printing. Fine in paper covered boards with embossed front board and silver colored text stamping on the spine. In a fine dust jacket. A review copy with materials laid-in. The author's third novel and one which was recently made into a movie.
    TB05713  $31.85

  • Fox, Michael W.:  The Soul of the Wolf.  Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1980. First Edition, First printing. Fine, In a very near fine dust jacket with a 1" closed tear at the base of the spine area and light wear at the upper edge of the spine area. 131 pages of text, illustrations and black and white photographs.
    TB08489  $15.40

  • Fox, John, Jr.:  Christmas Eve on Lonesome and Other Stories.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. First Edition, First printing. Very good in red cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine awith gilt decorations on the front board with white borders and text and a gilt top edge to the text block. The cloth at the head and heel of the spine is rubbed and worn and the spine is very slightly rolled. A collection of six short stories with six color illustrations by Frank Schoonover and H. J. Keller. (BAL, 6252)
    TB17126  $15.00

  • France, Anatole:  Golden Tales of Anatole France.  New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1927. First Illustrated Edition. Very good in black cloth covered boards with gilt text and decorations on the spine and on the front board and with illustrated end sheets. Without its issued dust jacket. 352 pages of text with marginal line art and 14 illustrated plates by L. A. Patterson. A collection of eighteen short stories (tales) including: The Procurator of Judaea; Putois; A Good Lesson Well Learnt; The Seven Wives of Bluebeard; Our Lady's Juggler, Balthasar; Olivier's Brag; The Ocean Christ; The Manuscript of a Village Doctor; The Daughter of Lilith; Leslie Wood; Five Fair Ladies; Crainquebille; Laeta Acilia; Edmee, or Charity Well Bestowed; Mademoiselle de Doucine's New Year's Present; The Miracle of the Great St. Nicolas; and, Gesta.
    TB21264  $40.00

  • France, Johnny:  Incident at Big Sky.  New York: W. W. Norton, 1986. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 cloth and paper covered boards. In a near fine dust jacket with a tiny nick from the upper corner of the front panel. Co-authored by Malcolm McConnell. Signed, inscribed and dated in the year of publication by Malcolm McConnel, one of the co-authors. The true story of the tracking and capture of two mountain men who in 1984 kidnapped Olympian Kari Swenson in the mountains of Montana.
    TB10241  $30.00

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    France, Anatole:  L'Etui De Nacre.  Paris: Calmann-Levy, Editeurs, 1923. Edition Revue Et Corrigee Par L'Auteur. Very good+ in 3/4 brown leather and marbled paper covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with two black leather text labels and gilt rules in the compartments. The end sheets are marbled and the top edge of the text block is gilt. A 12mo of 7 1/8 by 4 1/2 inches with the leather worn through at the upper fore corner of the front board and with lighter rubbing at the front joint and lower edges of the boards. 310 pages printed entirely in French. The binding was by Dorbon of Paris and New Yorl A handsome and clean copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB31541  $25.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Francis, John W.:  Old New York; or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years.  New York: Charles Roe, 1858. First Edition if the Revised and Enlarged Edition. An ex-library copy in very good condition in the original light brown cloth covered boards with faded gilt text on the spine with blind embossing on the spine and on the boards. A 12mo of 7 3/8 by 4 3/4 inches with 1/4" deep chipping to the cloth at the head of the spine, light rubbing and wear to the cloth at the heel of the spine and the remnants of what was a book plate of some sort on the front paste down. The contents are marred with occasional spots of foxing. The only indication of this copy having been a library copy shows on page 13 where the stamp of "The Circulating Library of Savannah, GA." appears. 384 pages of text.
    TB30546  $50.00

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    Francis, Edward P. and George DeAngelis:  The Early Ford V8 As Henry Built It A Production Facts Book 1932-38.  South Lyon, Mich.: Motor Cities Publishing Company, (1982). First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with silver colored text on the spine and on the front board. A quarto measuring 11 by 8 1/2 inches with a slant to the spine. In a very good+, unclipped (no price) dust jacket with rubbing and light wear to the ends of the spine area and with several short closed tears around the edges of the panels. Signed by both authors on the title page without an inscription or date. Also, laid-in at the front of the book is a typed letter secretarily signed by George De Angelis. 219 pages of text followed by a one page index. Illustrated from black and white photographs.
    TB30175  $500.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Frank, Edwin, and George Woodman:  The Further Adventures of Pinocchio Le Ultime Avventure.  New York: Lo Specchio d'Arte, 2004. First Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/4 red cloth and printed paper covered boards with a narrow photographic label on the front board, white text on the spine with red text stamped on the front board. A quarto measuring 11" by 8 1/2" with faint rubbing to the edges of the boards. Without a dust jacket. (39) pages of text and illustrated throughout with black and white photographs.
    TB24132  $25.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Frankel, Max:  The Times of My Life and My Life with The Times.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, 1999. Signed First Edition. Fine in full dark green leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. A small quarto measuring 9 1/8" tall by 5 7/8" deep containing 546 pages of text. Signed by the author on the specially tipped-in second free end page and identified as copy number 966 of only 1,000 copies printed and sold. One of The Easton Press' signed, first edition, leather bound books. A beautiful, tight, clean copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB22444  $150.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Franklin, Benjamin:  The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1903. First thus. Near fine in dark green cloth covered boards with gilt borders on the front board, gilt text on the spine with only hints of rubbing at the lower corners of the heel of the spine and with the top edge of the text block gilt. The contents are clean, tight and free of any prior ownership markings of any kind. There is what may be a partial, one inch dampness stain on the front board with only become apparent with the front board is manipulated just right in relation to the light. This is the first Lakeside Classic which was issued at Christmas time in 1903 and is quite uncommon. Without doubt, this is one of the nicest copies of this title I have seen! The gilt text on the spine and front board is clean, crisp and free of any tarnish.
    TB32682  $850.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Franklin (Franklin, Benjamin), Dr.:  The Way To Wealth.  Walpole, N.H.: Preston Merrifield, 1807. First Edition. Very good in light blue paper wraps over a sewn binding. A 24mo of 5 3/8 by 3 12 inches with an early prior owner's name on the front cover which is repeated on the verso of that cover. Insect predation is evident to the upper fore corner of the last two pages of text and the rear cover. Pages 27/28 has an "L" shaped portion just below the center missing measuring one inch at the spine to two inches at the fore edge. No other copies are available to create a facsimile to replace the missing text. Without a dust jacket, but this little copy is protected within a well made chimese and a 1/4 black leather and blue cloth covered slipcase with gilt text on its spine. 34 pages of text. The publisher of this title, Preston Merrifield, was a book publisher, binder and one of the earliest book sellers in this country as well as the Town Clerk for Windsor, Vermont. He moved from Massachusetts to Windsor in 1808 where he remained for the rest of his life passing in 1874 at 88 years old.
    TB32250  $240.00

  • Fraser, Claud Lovat:  A Book of Simple Toys.  Bryn Mawr: Bryn Mawr College Library, 1982. Facsimile edition. Fine in a purplish woven cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and with a paper label on the front board. Without a dust jacket as issued. A facsimile of C. Lovat Fraser's book of 1917 containing an introduction. Unpaginated containing text and color illustrations of toys. One of only 1,000 copies produced.
    TB16344  $24.50

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    Frazier, Charles:  Cold Mountain.  New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 black cloth and paper covered boards with copper colored text stamping on spine. An octavo measuring 9" by 6" with a prior owner's name at the upper edge of the first free end page. In a fine un-clipped dust jacket. The jacket is the first state jacket with quote by John Berendt on the silver colored seal on the front panel. With the misprint "man-woman" instead of "mad-woman" on line 16, page 25. A book which has been compared to Hemingway's A Farewell To Arms. Some reviews even claimed it to be the novel of the century. The book quickly went to a seventh printing within two months of its release. It eventually became the winner of the 1997 National Book Award. 356 pages of text with map end sheets.
    TB26369  $80.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Freeman, Douglas Southall:  George Washington (Vol. I thru Vol. VI).  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1948 - 1957. All first editions. All six volumes of this seven volume set are in fine to near fine conditions in dark blue decorated cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spines and with blind embossed seals on the front boards. The end papers for each book are decorated with maps of various sections of the United States which have bearing on the text within each volume. None of the volumes are in dust jackets as they were issued without them in first edition. However, volumes V and VI are in near fine individual slip cases. Freeman's other major biographies included Robert E. Lee (for which he won the Pulitzer Prize), and his follow-on book: Lee's Lieutenants. An extremely attractive, first edition set of Freeman's landmark series and one of his most important biographies. It is considered the best, and most thorough, biography of Washington.
    TB32408  $400.00

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    French, Mary M. Billings:  Indian Captive The Experiences Of Zadock Steele Described In The Narrative Written By Himself.  Woodstock, Vermont: The Elm Tree Press, 1934. . Very good in 1/4 black cloth and light brown paper covered boards with printed, paper titles on the spine and on the front board. An octavo of 9 by 6 1/8 inches with light rubbing to the cloth at the corners of the spine, a faint dampness stain to the upper fore corners of the boards and to the lower margins of the rear 24 pages and light foxing to the title page. Without a dust jacket. 46 pages of text with map end sheets.
    TB31003  $25.00

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    Frenkel, Francoise:  A Bookshop in Belrin.  New York: Atria Books, (2015). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in 1/4 black and gray paper boards with silver colored text on the spine. An octavo of 8 3/8 by 5 1/2 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 269 pages of text. "The rediscovered memoir of one woman's harrowing escape from the Nazis". (from dust jacket)
    TB31201  $30.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Freud, Sigmund:  The Basic Works of Sigmund Freud.  Franklin Center, Penn.: The Franklin Press, 1978. A Limited Edition. Fine in full light brown leather covered boards with two raised bands on the spine with gilt text and decorations stamped in the compartments and with gilt tool work on both the front and rear boards. The end papers are silk with a matching silk placement ribbon sewn-in at the head of the spine. All three edges of the text block are in gilt. An octavo measuring 9 by 6 inches containing 737 pages of text including an index. Translated and Edited by James Strachey. One of the volumes in The Franklin Press' collection of The 100 Greatest Books of All Time. A beautiful, tight, clean and crisp copy with no names, dates, notations or former owner's book plates.
    TB31775  $75.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Frey, Helen:  M19 A History of the Secret Service for Escape and Evasion in World War Two.  New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, (2020}. First Edition, First Printing. Fine in black paper covered boards with bold metallic blue colored text stamping on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/4 by 6 1/8 inches with printed end sheets. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 327 pages an index, bibliography, chapter notes and text. Illustrated with a section of images from black and white photographs. A very clean, handsome and tight copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32071  $30.00

  • Fried, Adelaide L.:  The Road to Salem.  Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1944. First Edition, First printing. Fine in charcoal gray cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine with a prior owner's name on the 1st FEP. In a near fine dust jacket with only light wear at the ends of the spine area and at the corners to the panels with the price intact on the flap. The text of this 317 page book on the early history of North Carolina is based on the 1803 autobiography of a woman who lived through it all.
    TB11020  $21.00

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    Frischauer, Willi:  The Rise And Fall Of Herman Goering.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1951. First Edition. Very good+ in light blue cloth covered boards with gilt text and decorations on the spine. An octavo of 8 1/8 by 5 3/8 inches with rubbing and wear to the cloth at the corners of the spine and at the tips of the boards. Without its issued dust jacket. 309 pages of text including an index and bibliography. Illustrated with a frontispiece and several plates of images from photographs.
    TB31955  $30.00

  • Fromm, Pete:  The Tall Uncut.  Santa Barbara: John Daniel & Co., 1992. First Edition. Fine in heavy illustrated paper wraps with just a hint of rubbing to the upper edge of the rear panel. in wraps as issued. Signed by the author on the title page. A collection of seventeen short stories. This is the author's first book and one which received very complementary reviews by William Kittredge and Ivan Doig.
    TB10849  $75.00

  • Fromm, Pete:  Dry Rain.  New York: Lyons & Buford, Pub., 1997. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 blue cloth and paper covered boards with white text on the spine. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. Signed and nicely inscribed and dated in April, 1997 by the author on the title page. A collection of sixteen short stories by this author who won the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award for 1994 for his book: Indian Creek Chronicles.
    TB13431  $65.00

  • Fromm, Pete:  King of the Mountain.  Mechanicsburg: Stackpole Books, 1994. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 light brown cloth and paper covered boards gilt text stamping on the spine. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. Signed by the author on the title page. A collection of eighteen "sporting" short stories to include Halibut-head, Mixed Shot, Blues in the Reefs, Grayfish, First Time Out, Flyways, Trumpeter and others.
    TB13374  $50.00

  • Fromm, Pete:  How All This Started.  New York: Picador, 2000. First Edition. Near fine in black paper covered boards with a minor bump to the head of the spine. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. Signed by the author on the title page. A novel of two children growing up in the deserted landscape of a small west Texas town. This is the author's first novel.
    TB13375  $50.00

  • Fromm, Pete:  The Tall Uncut.  New York: The Lyons Press, circa 1998. First Edition. Fine in paper covered boards with white text on the spine. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. Originally published in 1992 by the John Daniel & Company in wraps. Subtitled: "Lives amid the Landscapes of the American West." A collection of seventeen short stories. This is the author's first book and one which received very complementary reviews by William Kittredge and Ivan Doig.
    TB11061  $40.00

  • Fromm, Pete:  Blood Knot.  New York: The Lyons Press, 1998. First Edition. Fine in 1/4 blue cloth and paper covered boards with ivory colored text on the spine. In a fine unclipped dust jacket. A collection of ten short stories of fishing. 132 pages.
    TB10842  $35.00

  • Fromm, Pete:  Night Swimming.  New York: Picador USA, 1999. First Edition. Fine in black paper covered boards. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. A review copy with a 4" x 6" photograph of the author laid-in. A collection of thirteen short stories which include: How All This Started, Night Swimming, The Investigator, The Raw Material of Ash, Freezeout, Black Tie and Blue Jeans & 7 more.
    TB13163  $35.00

  • Froncek:  Voices from the Wilderness.  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. Outdoor Life B. C.. Very good in black paper covered boards with dampness staining to the boards. In a very good+ dust jacket with minor closed tear to the upper edge of the front panel. A collection of 27 accounts from various frontiersmen and plains- men from 1755 through 1870 who each provide their own record of their lives on the American frontier.
    TB07975  $14.00

  • Click on Image to view multiple images
    Frost, Thomas:  The Old Showmen, And The Old London Fairs.  London: Tinsley Brothers, 1874. First Edition. Very good- in its original, decorated, blue cloth covered boards with a gilt image and gilt text on the spine and with black embossed borders on both boards with addition black embossing and a gilt image of a small child on the shoulder of a street actor. A 12mo of 7 3/8 by 4 3/4 inches with the cloth on the spine worn down to the edges of the text block, the cloth over the lower board tips is also worn through and evidently damage from what may have been silverfish to the front board. There is also an early prior owner's name neatly written at the top of the title page. The contents show moderate spots of foxing throughout and the last free end page is missing. 388 pages including an index. This title is extremely uncommon in first edition as evidenced by, as of this date, no first edition copies of same are listed on the Internet. Numerous printings of 1875 and beyond are much more common.
    TB32107  $300.00

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    Frost, Robert:  West-Running Brook.  New York: Henry Holt, 1928. First Edition, First State. Very good+ in 1/4 dark green cloth and green paper covered boards with gilt text on the spine and an illustrated paper label on the front board and decorated end sheets. The cloth at the head of the spine shows modest rubbing, the paper is rubbed through over the lower tips of the boards and there is a prior owner's name written on the first free end page along with a book plate. The paper label on the front board is clean and without any nicks, tears or chips. The gilt text on the spine is bright and easily read. Without its issued dust jacket. This copy is a first state of the first edition as the slug "First Edition" does not appear on the copyright page; and with "roams" instead of "romps" on the last line of page 44. (Crane, A10) 64 pages containing 39 poems with four, full page wood block illustrations by J.J. Lankes. Laid-in at the rear of the book are portions of the original dust jacket.
    TB31471  $85.00

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    Frost, Robert:  Steeple Bush.  New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947. First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in light green cloth covered boards with gilt text on a black background on the spine. An octavo measuring 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches with light rubbing to the cloth a the head and heel of the spine. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with the original $2.50 price intact on the front flap with the spine area tanned and with tiny chips from the corners of the spine area. A collection of 43 poems containing the following: A Young Birch, One Step Backward Taken, An Unstamped Letter in Our Rural Letter Box, The Night Light, Were I in Trouble, In the Long Night, A Steeple on the House, The Middleness of the Road, Two Leading Lights, A Cliff Dwelling, It Bids Pretty Fair, The Planners, The Ingenuities of Debt and others. 62 pages of poetry followed by a page of notes. (Crane A30.1)
    TB32833  $85.00

  • Frost, Robert:  A Masque of Reason.  New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1945. First Edition, First printing. Fine in black cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo measuring 8 3/8 by 5 1/2 inches with spots of foxing to the upper edge of the text block. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with 1/8 inch deep chip at the upper edge of the spine area, two narrow closed tears to the upper edge of the front panels and rubbing to the folds. Laid-in at the front of the book is a 5 by 7 inch black and white photo of the bust of Robert Frost by Aroldo du Chene, cast in bronze on the occasion of his 70th birthday on March 26th, 1945. 23 pages of dialog in blank verse. (Crane A27.1)
    TB33508  $45.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Frost, Robert:  Selected Letters of Robert Frost.  New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. First Edition. Fine in red-orange cloth covered boards with black decorations and gilt text on the spine. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4 by 6 1/8 inches containing 645 pages of text including an index. In a very good+ unclipped dust jacket with numerous short closed tears to the upper edge of the front panel, rubbing to the upper and lower edges of the spine area and a small chip at the upper fore corner of the front panel over the tip of the board. A collection of 566 letters by Frost, 490 of which have never before appeared in print, edited by Lawrance Thompson.
    TB32614  $25.00

  • Frost, Robert:  In The Clearing.  New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. First Edition, First printing. Fine in charcoal gray cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. An octavo of 9" by 6" with faint spots of foxing to the top edge of the text block and with a former owner's name and address on the first free end sheet. In a very good+, price clipped dust jacket with light rubbing to the ends of the spine area and to the fold to the front panel. Laid-in at the front of the book is a portion of a page from the New York Times relating to President Kennedy honoring Frost with "the Congressional Medal on his 88th birthday. A collection of 39 poems. 101 pages of text.
    TB33509  $25.00

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    Frothingham, Richard:  The Centennial: Battle of Bunker Hill with a View of Charlestown in 1775, Pages Plan of the Action, Romane's Exact View of the Battle, and Other Illustrations.  Boston: Little, Brown And Company, 1875. First Edition. Good in light green cloth covered boards with bright gilt text on the front board with blind embossed borders on both boards. A 16mo of 6 7/8 by 4 1/2 inches with heavy wear and rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and to the tips and fore edges of the boards. The fold-out map is missing and the fold-out illustration of Charleston following page 32 has a 4 inch long closed tear (which has been professionally repaired) and several creases from careless refolding. 133 pages of text followed by a two page appendix. Illustrated with a fold-out drawing noted above and a one page map appears on page 43 and line drawings appear within the text on pages 15 and 117. (Gephart, 5846)
    TB31811  $60.00

  • Fuermann, George:  Houston The Feast Years.  Houston: Premier Printing Co., 1962. First Edition, First printing. Fine in light yellow cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and front board. In a very good+ dust jacket which is rubbed at the corners and spine ends. With illustrated woodcuts by Lowell Collins. Signed, inscribed and dated in the year of publication by both the author and the illustrator. 51 pages with index, text, photographs and woodcuts. The modern photographs are by Owen Johnson.
    TB06723  $24.50

  • Click on Image to expand
    Fuller, Edmund:  Prudence Crandall An Incident of Racism in Nineteenth-Century Connecticut.  Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1971. First Edition, First printing. Fine in light blue cloth covered boards with black and silver colored text on the spine. In a very good price clipped dust jacket with a 1/2 closed tear at the upper corner of the spine area which is also faded and faded across the first 1" of the front panel. 113 pages of text including a list of sources. Illustrated with eight reproductions of early painted and photographic portraits.
    TB21837  $40.00

  • Click on Image to expand
    Fullerton, B. M.:  Selective Bibliography of American Literature 1775-1900.  Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press, c1932, (1989). Reprint of 1989. Fine in off-white linen cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine and metallic purple text stamping on the front board. A small quarto measuring 9 by 6 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. 327 pages including an index. With an iIntroduction by Carl Van Doren. From the title page: "A brief estimate of the more important American authors and a description of their representative works."
    TB32381  $20.00

  • Fullerton, Alexander:  Patrol to the Golden Horn.  New York: Soho Press, Inc., 2002. First Edition, First printing. Fine in 1/4 black cloth and white paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. A review copy as noted by the stamp stating as much on the first free end paper. In a fine dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap. The third volume in the Nick Everard naval series. This one takes place in late 1918 when a British submarine must pass through narrow straits of the Dardanelles. Originally published in Great Britain by Michael Joseph Ltd in 1978. 229 pages of text.
    TB17547  $10.00

  • Furtwangler, Albert:  Acts of Discovery.  Urbana: University of Illinois Pr, 1993. First Edition, First printing. Fine in blue cloth covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine. In a fine dust jacket. The subtitle reads: Visions of America in the Lewis and Clark Journals. The author relates the importance of the work of both Lewis and Clark to the opening of both science and discovery.
    TB09025  $24.50

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